Chapter Eight

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Payne and Styles

After talking with Michael and being told the same thing Niall had told them, the detectives decided they'd go and see what the M.E. has found. Before going to speak with the next person on the list. Detective Payne was having a hard time believing that whoever this Zayn person is, is a shy and quiet person like his partner has been telling him. Since Harry had witnessed an argument between Matthew and Zayn, seeing how scared Zayn was to be around Matthew, he figures Zayn ultimately snapped and got tired of how he was being treated. He probably wanted his freedom back.

When the two detectives got to the morgue, they were able to look at the victims body again. And were able to actually see the gunshot wound in the center of his chest.

"This is Matthew James Smith. Date of Birth March, 26th 1996. Date of Death November 16th 2022. Cause of Death Gunshot wound to the chest. Manner of Death Homicide," the medical examiner rattled off in a monotonous tone.

"Were you able to get any type of dna from his hands?" Liam asked as he was looking over the report.

"Whomever he fought with, they're not in the system."

"And Zayn doesn't have a record. It's not looking good for him," the detective said as he looked over at Harry.

Harry rolled his eyes at his partner before turning to the M.E. and asking if there was anything else they needed to know. Once he was informed there was nothing else to know, he left the morgue leaving his partner behind.

"That was rude," Liam chuckled as he caught up to Harry.

"Why does it seem like you want to believe Zayn did this for no reason?" Harry asked as he grabbed the list of names they compiled. Seeing Louis was next on the list.

"You seem to have a soft spot for this kid, when you don't even know him," Liam observed.

"And you'll understand why, very soon. Let's go talk with the next person."

"Is this who you've been seeing? Lewis, is it?" The detective read the name off of the piece of paper.

"It's Louis, and yes."

The two men drove over to Louis' house, Harry driving again because he knows where Louis lives like the back of his hand.

"I'll be taking point with this conversation since you already know him," Liam stated.

"I doubt he'll speak with you but okay."

"Either he can talk in the comfort of his own home or in an interrogation room. His choice."

"You can't just bring someone in if they don't feel comfortable speaking with you. That's not how that works Payne." Harry parked the car in the driveway behind Louis' suburban.
He may or may not have already informed his boy that he was coming over to have a serious conversation with him.

"You can do the honors," Harry said as he motioned to the front door.

"Gladly," Liam said as he pounded on the door in the same fashion as Niall's door.

The front door was yanked open, Louis opening his mouth to yell but didn't once he saw who was standing there.

"Uhm hi?" Louis said, it sounded more like a question though.

"Hello Louis, we are detectives from the homicide unit. I'm Liam Payne and this is my-" Liam started his spiel again being cut off.

"Homicide unit? Did Zayn die?"

"Can we come in Louis?" Harry asked, not wanting the entire neighborhood to know why they were there.

"Yeah, sorry about that. Please come in."

Louis led the two men into his kitchen, where the three of them sat at the kitchen table.

"Why would you ask if Zayn is dead?" Liam asked as he sat down.

"Because he sent me some concerning pictures and a video and now he's not answering my calls or texts," Louis explained as he brought his phone out.


His spirits slowly lifted as he continued the walk in the familiar area. Around an hour later, Zayn arrived at his destination.
Slowly walking up the steps, he knocked on the door, before stepping back.

The front door opened and out popped Zayn's mother.

"I need help," Zayn said before his mom had the chance to speak.

"Come in baby. Come in." Trisha opened the door wider so her son could walk in, shutting and locking the door behind him.
"What happened to you sweetheart? Where's Matthew?"

"I I need a lawyer momma. I had to do it."

Trisha went to get her first aid kit before going back to her son. Beckoning for her husband, Zayn's dad, to follow her.

"What did you have to do Zayn?" Trisha asked as the three of them sat on the couch.

"It's all on my phone," Zayn said as he grabbed his backpack that he placed on the floor next to him.
Zayn grabbed out his phone and the card Harry gave him. He turned the phone on while placing the card on the table infront of him. He saw all of the missed phone calls and texts he had from Louis. Ignoring them for the time being, he excused himself to the restroom. Zayn went into the bathroom to photograph his new injuries and bruises.
He reentered the living room with his hoody off. His parents seeing all of the bruises and marks on his arms.

"I'll kill him," Zayn's dad growled while staring at his son.

"I beat you to it," Zayn softly responded as he handed his phone over. Letting his parents see all of the pictures and listen to the one audio.
"So do you know any good lawyers?"

"Yes baby we know a few. But first I think we should get you to a hospital," Trisha suggested.

"No need. I've been dealing with this for three years. The bruises will fade in a week or so. I'll be fine. I just need a lawyer present for when I talk with the detective."

"Okay son. We will get you a good lawyer that specializes in domestic violence cases," Yaser said, already making a phone call.

A few hours later Zayn was in the office building of his newly appointed lawyer, his parents by his side. His father had already given out some information, the lawyer urgently wanting them to come in. They've already spoke in length of what happened and what could occur in the coming days. But Zayn wanted to get ahead of being potentially charged with anything, he wanted to speak with the detective that he knew. His lawyer was okay with him doing that, as long as he was present.

Zayn used the lawyers phone to make the call, instead of his own.

"Detective Styles, Harry speaking how may I help you?" The four adults heard over the speaker of the phone.

"He-hey Harry, it's Zayn. Can we meet somewhere and talk?"

"Of course meet me at the office." Zayn was given the address, his lawyer writing it down. Before hanging up.

"Unfortunately your parents can't be there for this," Zayn's lawyer said.

"Oh okay."


Haii there!!!

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