Chapter Seventeen

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Zayn has finally build up the courage to leave the comfort of where he was staying with Liam, and venture outside. With everything that has been going on, he just wanted some fresh air. and to not feel as suffocated. He took a short walk around the little community, it was a gated off area, they were residing in before deciding to sit on the front steps.
He sat there and thought about everything he has been through within the past five years. From before he met Matthew up until this present moment, where he is on the run with a former detective. He wonders what would his life be like had he never met Niall and then was introduced to Matthew. Would he still be living in the states? Or would he be thriving in his own career making a life for himself elsewhere? He wishes he could turn back time to the day he was introduced to Matthew, and just walk away. He hates that he has to deal with all of this shit. He wants his life back, back to the way it was.
Zayn wanted to be stress free, but he knew that wasn't going to happen until Niall and Michael were out of the picture.
Zayn's thoughts began wandering towards Liam. How grateful he is for the man. He hasn't overlooked the little names that Liam has called him. He hasn't shown any reaction to the cute names because he's afraid that if he does, Liam will then stop. and he doesn't want that happening. He particularly likes when Liam calls him sweet boy. He's happy he has Liam to help him through this, but he hates that the older man is risking his own freedom and career.
Lost in his thoughts Zayn didn't hear the front door opening.

"What are you thinking about baby?" Liam's deep voice broke through the silence, startling Zayn.

"Everything," Zayn responded looking up at Liam.

"Open to sharing?" Liam asked as he sat down next to Zayn.

"Just everything. From before I was introduced to Matthew to right now this very second. Odds of this baby being Matthews are pretty high, but there is that small chance it is Michael's and I don't know how to feel about that. I don't know how I feel about you risking career and freedom just to help me. And I don't know how I feel about you," Zayn rambled, whispering the last part.

"I have an appointment set up for an obgyn to come here, in about four hours or so, for you. Figured it'd be safer for them to come here versus you going out and about right now. Would they be able to help you figure out who the father is?" Liam had no idea how pregnancy works, and it shows.

"Yes. Depending on how far along I am. That would tell me who the daddy is. I really don't know if I want to keep it though. I keep going back and forth in my head as to whether or not I want to bring a child into this world, a product from that circumstance."

"Well sweet boy, ultimately that is your decision and your decision alone. Nobody can force you to make a decision."

"Well thank you, captain obvious," Zayn chuckled.

"I'm just saying," Liam responded while holding his hands up.


A few hours later, Zayn, Liam, and the doctor were all in a room in the back of the house. Zayn asked Liam to stay with him, they were currently holding hands. More like Zayn had a death grip on Liam's hand because he was very nervous.

"Well that is a very prominent positive," the doctor, Hadid as she had introduced herself she didn't give out her first name, said as she looked at the pregnancy test that was placed on her tray of medical tools.
"Can you lay back for me and lift your shirt up so I can do an ultrasound. See how far along you are and then we can figure out next steps," doctor Hadid explained as she turned on the ultrasound machine.

Zayn moved so he was laying back on the bed, his shirt pulled up to his rib cage and his hand still attached to Liam's. Dr. Hadid busied herself with putting the appropriate information onto the screen that popped up. Once she was done, she grabbed the ultrasound gel and then turned her attention to the two men.

"The gel is quite warm," dr. Hadid warned as she placed the gel across Zayn's lower abdomen.

She placed the bottle back in its spot before grabbing the transducer, wand, and began gliding it across the gel. The room was silent for a few moments as the doctor did her job.

"There they are," she announced while pointing to the two gray looking blobs.

"Did, did you just say they as in more than one?" Zayn asked as he stared at the screen, not knowing what he was looking at.

"That would be correct. Baby A and Baby B," dr. Hadid responded, individually pointing out the fetuses.

Zayn fell back against the pillow, the color draining from his face.

"So based off of our earlier conversation and the measurements I'm getting, I'd say your around eight weeks along. I know you had mentioned you weren't sure who the father was, do you think you have an idea now? Not that it is any of my business, you don't have to share that information with me," Hadid wondered as she finished the ultrasound. Only receiving silence as an answer.

Zayn turned to look at Liam, tears streaming down his face. He didn't know if being eight weeks along was a good thing or a bad thing.

"Would you like to hear the heartbeats?"

"No," Liam answered for Zayn. He didn't know if Zayn wanted to, but based off of the look Zayn had given him. the safe answer was no.

The doctor placed the transducer back in its rightful spot before wiping the gel off of Zayn.

"I'll get in contact with you for his next appointment," dr. Hadid said as she stood up and grabbed her items.

"Thank you," Liam called out as she was walking out the door.
"What's going on sweet boy?" Liam asked once they were alone in the room.

Zayn got up and threw himself into Liam's lap sobbing, "it's not Michael's."


Haii there!!!

Surprise, Twins!

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