Chapter Eighteen

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Once Zayn had calmed himself down from finding out he is pregnant with twins, he was now shocked. He feels almost as if this was Matthew's way of saying, "haha fuck you you'll never get rid of me." Zayn had mixed emotions. and he knew that the window was slowly starting to close for him to be able to terminate the pregnancy. If he so chose to. The younger male was feeling every emotion possible as he sat there, on Liam's lap, and thought about what he wanted to do going forwards. He knew this was a decision only he could make, and he currently wished it wasn't a decision he had to make.

"Baby," Liam whispered against the top of Zayn's head.

"Yes?" Zayn responded, maneuvering himself so he was facing Liam. 

"What are you thinking about?"

"Would I be an idiot if I decided to continue with the pregnancy?"

"Why would you be an idiot?" Liam was confused as to why Zayn would even ask that.

"Given the circumstances."

"This is your choice. You are the only one that can make this choice. Be able to live with whatever decision you make and not regret it in the future."

"That's harsh. But you are right. This is something I will have to live with. I just don't want to make a decision right now and then realize later on down the road I wish I hadn't. But also the window to making a decision is starting to close, due to me being eight weeks. I feel rushed," Zayn explained.

"So sleep on it tonight and tomorrow night, and then make your decision. It doesn't have to be made right this very second."

"True. I suppose it makes sense to do that. Now, how do you propose we get my story out to the public?" Zayn asked as he laid his head on Liam's chest. Feeling comfortable and safe.

"I actually spoke with Styles about that. Both he and Louis are gonna help us. If that's okay with you?"

"How are we gonna keep people from finding out where we are hiding out at? We didn't do a very good job in France, we were only there for like what? a month? maybe."

"We will more than likely have to continue moving from place to place until it is safe to go back to America," Liam explained.

"I don't think I want to go back to the states. I want to eventually be able to start over. Stress free."

"I would like to be able to assume that one day, we will be able to do that. But it will take time to get to that point."

"Do you have a problem with me just laying here on you? I don't want to be annoying or anything."

"You never annoy me sweet boy. You can lay here for however long you want to."

"Thank you Liam."


Zayn went on one of his daily walks, he decided he wanted to get out of the house more, this time venturing out further than usual. The quiet and calmness surrounding his walks, helped him to be less stressed. Except for today, today Zayn was followed as he was returning home.
He noticed the two men as he went to walk across a street, and glanced over to his right to make sure no vehicles were coming. He saw that they were probably around fifty yards behind him, but right when he went across the street they also did. He walked across another street, while picking up his pace to try and get away from the men.
By the time Zayn had reached the building he and Liam resided in, he was practically running. He looked behind him to make sure the men weren't close. And when he faced forwards again, he ran right into Liam.

"Woah woah woah, where's the fire baby," Liam chuckled as he grabbed ahold of Zayn's upper arms, to steady him.

"I I'm being followed," Zayn said in between deep breaths.
He looked behind him again, and saw the same two men standing there staring at himself and Liam.

"They're just here to keep you safe babe. I had to ask a couple of friends to watch you whenever you go on your walks, just in case anything happens. They will be there to help you," Liam explained as he looked to see where Zayn was staring at, recognizing his friends. He waved them off before turning his attention back to Zayn.
"Let's get you inside and in front of a fan to cool you off sweet boy," Liam said as he tried guiding Zayn into the house.

"Absolutely not!" Zayn shouted as he ripped his body out of Liam's grasp.

"Alright alright."

"Why do I need people following me?" Zayn asked as he used his t-shirt to wipe the sweat off of his forehead.

"For your safety."

"I do not believe that for a second. What are you hiding from me?"

"It is for your safety. I'll explain everything I promise, let's just go inside."


Zayn walked into the house and into the kitchen, Liam following behind him.

"Explain," Zayn said as he grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge.

"We don't know where the Horan's are." Liam figured it would be best to just rip the bandaid off.

Zayn paused while bringing the bottle up to his mouth. "I'm sorry what?"

"Styles informed me a couple weeks ago. And I didn't want to worry you so I decided against telling you."

"Because that is working well in your favor," Zayn sarcastically said. "So what's the plan then? Do you have people actively looking for them?"

"I'm letting Styles deal with that. He'll get in contact with me when and if they are found."

"Will they be killed if they're found alive? And how long am I going to have babysitters for?"

"Do you want them killed? As for the men following you around, they'll be doing so until I feel it's safe for you to be alone," Liam explained.

"They're babysitters," Zayn mumbled. He took a sip of water before looking at Liam.
"I want to know why the Horan's are trying to come after me. So if they are found alive, I want them to stay that way until I can talk with them."


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