Make believe

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Drew's POV Christmas was approaching and I wanted to fix things with Audrey. She felt like home and the end of year is exactly for that, home and family.I have been living here and there for the past weeks, waiting for my place to be finished. I had lied to her when I said it was ready. My routine was boring without Ian, Studio, Jace's, studio, hotels. We would be touring soon, but I couldn't leave without fixing things here.'Can I come play with Ian today?'I typed a quick text to Audrey since it was Saturday and they would probably be home.I wrapped up some vocals for the new album at the studio and waited not so patiently for her response. Her ringtone started ringing and I picked it up.-Hi!-Hi Drew! - she sounded worked up.-What's wrong?-I'm at the hospital with Ian. Can you come here? He hasn't been feeling well since last night and I brought him in.Holy shit! Why the hell didn't she call me? I could have gone with them.-Sure baby. Text me the address.She hung up and a text followed.I ran to my car and sped off to the hospital.Audrey was waiting in the hall.-Where is him? - I asked as soon as I saw her.She looked tired and finally not like her neat self. Her hair was messy, dark circles under her eyes.-He's sleeping. He had a fever and it wasn't going down. I got worried so I rushed here. I didn't want to take any chances.I hugged her. I could tell she needed it.-You did well baby, you did the right thing. - I kissed her head.-He's better now. They will let him out soon. -Why didn't you call me? I could have been here with you.-I know...I just, I was a mess and rushing and didn't stop to think about it...-It's ok...I'm here now.-Thank you! - She smiled weakly.-Anytime sweetheart. Let's go check Ian out and get you home. You need to rest.******************AUDERY*Drew stayed with us the whole day and insisted on spending the night too just in case. I woke up rested and fresh. He insisted on sleeping with Ian so that I could rest properly. Of course I checked a million times during the night, but each time I stepped into the room, I'd find him awake either writing on his notebook, looking at Ian or singing to himself quietly.I prepared breakfast for the boys and went to wake them up.Ian woke up first and I took him into my arms.-Let's go wake him up. - I winked at him and he smiled.I sat by the edge of the bed and kissed Drew's cheek. He slowly opened his eyes shocked. -Well, that's a good morning! - he smiled sheepishly-Dru! - Ian called happily and Drew sat up taking the boy in his arms.-Shall we give mommy a kiss, or is she still mad at us? - He winked at the boy and Ian made a kissing face.I laughed my heart out at that, but was cut off by a pair of lips gently touching mine. I gave up. I couldn't be without him any longer. It has already been enough. I kissed him back, more like a little peck, 'cause we'd agreed at only that in front of Ian, who was pretending to close his eyes, yet laughing happily.I felt Drew smile and he opened his bright crystal eyes, which were sparkling in pure happiness.-Are we ok?! - He asked wholeheartedly-We are. - I smiled back.*********Drew was taking us to see his new place. His place...that felt weird. I didn't let my emotions reflect and just smiled the whole ride. Ian would sing and talk in the back. He kept shaking his head to one of The Disciples' songs, his new favorite lullaby since Drew started putting him to sleep.We parked in front of a beautiful house. He's shitting me, right? This can't be the place he picked.I got out of the car and approached the one story villa. It was fucking amazing.-You're kidding right? - I turned to him and he was just laughing. Fucking laughing.-Baby, why would I be kidding? You know how I always loved that villa your father had. You know, when we used to talk.-I know but...-It was amazing. One story, perfect for little children, with no stairs, plenty of space, the amazing garden, a backyard with a fountain and all...-Stop! Just stop a second. What do you mean for little children? - I asked confused.-Well baby, for Ian, duh! I wasn't gonna tell you like this, but since it came up, I want to ask you something. And it's not marriage, so don't get on my ass! - He smiled, wiggling his brows.We had now walked inside. The interior was amazing and so not Drew!!! It looked like I had come and decorated this house and I didn't remember doing it.-It's...beautiful. It's perfect. - I commented in awe as I checked the rooms and everything.-So, you think you're gonna fit in then? Cause I'm not letting you go baby. I want you and Ian to come live here with me.-Drew...-Oh, and most importantly, I'm not taking no for an answer. Right buddy? - He fist bumped Ian as the boy took off running inside what would be his room, judging by the DC décor.-I...I guess I need to pack then...- I smiled and was immediately enveloped in a hug that was followed by a fierce kiss that I had missed so much.I kissed him back with the same passion and his hands moved down my back and to my ass, squeezing hard.-Manners! - I mumbled, playfully slapping his hands away.-Agrrr, you're killing me! - He groaned, but let go and went to join Ian inside the room.I smiled to myself. Guess I'll get down to packing after all. I took another look around. This place was beyond what I expected. It was homey and spacious and...well, homey. We'd be playing make believe with my Rockstar after all...

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