The Meeting At Midnight II

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[ Hall of The Council of Romans 13 & The Members of The Aristocracy ]

[ The Cabal Chamber :: Hall of The Masters ]

Under Master Morgade, even the mighty had began to feel that their position of power was threatened. After pondering their limited options, these elitist quickly fell in line to secure their position of power under the new rulership of The Morgades. Without a moment to spare the world leaders agreed to partner with Master Morgade and The Pure Land Empire under the stipulations that his father had decreed. Morgade expressed appreciation towards the delegates for conducting business in a respective manner, then bided the distinguish delegates a farewell after the contracts had been signed which sealed the fate of these world leaders, their countries and their people.

In time they would become puppet rulers and the citizens of their nations would be subjected to strenuous taxation and dire austerities. Those taxes, resources and manufactured goods would then be confiscated and transferred to the domes to facilitate a selected group of people, bolstering their standard of living while lowering the living standards of those exploited peoples and nations. Following this summit, Master Morgade proceeded to have a private meeting with his elected council members.

"Well, that was easy. I love forcing people to compromise. Now, for the orders of the day. I am fairly new to this position, but from what I've read, all of you have been chosen by the technocrats because of your unique abilities, so I expect to hear good results from you and nothing less. Your work within the Pure Lands have deemed you useful in overseeing and sustaining the society of Terra Domus. You all have been tasked with roles that they have considered best suitable by your specialities. You will continue to execute the assignments you are given then report back to us with your progress. If your agenda fails, also report this to us notifying the reason for it's failure and we will reexamine it. The persecution and subjugation of The Outlanders was merely a precursor to what we are trying to achieve with this new project within The Dome. So let us begin by discussing the great global reset." Master Morgade explained.

"Understood, Master Morgade!" The council replied in sync.

"Now, MK Ultra. Tell us, how are the masses reacting to the first stages of our plans. Is the information that we broadcast being received well? Do they believe what we say about The Outlands?" Master Morgade asked.

"Yes Master Morgade, the masses have proven to be very susceptible to our disinformation. They are distracted by propaganda, aimless entertainment and unproductive escapism. They have accepted their fate within the domes. Despite the cruelty endured under our rulership, they do not wish to return to The Outlands." the one named MK Ultra stepped forward and stated.

"Good! Psychological Warfare is always a successful way to manipulate the minds of malleable citizens. Manufactured consent is the extremely salutary. The multitude cannot think for themselves therefore we will broadcast to them what they should think, how they should act, and how they should feel. I figure your mission should have the same results, Father Benedict?" Master Morgade questioned.

"Yes, Master Morgade. The multitude follows the doctrine of Elysium blindly as sheep follow a shepherd. They question not where I lead them. Apparently this blind faith and empty promises have given them some semblance of hope. However, idealism will not change their material conditions." Pontiff Benedict proudly exclaimed.

"Excellent! You two will advance to the next stage. I expect great results from both of you."

"Thank you Master."
both MK Ultra and Pontiff Benedict retorted gratefully as they bowed.

"The Notorious General Pike! How are the troops progressing in subduing those troublesome wretches who seek to reconstruct The Outlands."

"Thank you Master," The General bowed, "The highly advanced equipment and futuristic machinery that our soldiers have been granted by The Pure Lands has made our conquest very simple. My army is pressing forward across West Africa as we speak. Reclaiming the colonies is like taking candy from an infant. The Outlanders have shown no signs of technological advancements after the impact of the global cataclysm. We have granted them the option to surrender and reside under the dome and work for us or face extinction. The proposition was that The Outlanders would provide the labour and we would provide the housing, healthcare, protection and a living wages. To my surprise, many have them have bought into this silly fantasy and have chosen to migrate to the dome seeking work, but some have refused the offer and decided to independently rebuild their homes within The Outlands while retaining their freedom under such harsh living conditions. So, we've made an example of those groups, who we could not capture. We have slaughtered them. It is estimated that in a week we shall have the Hogon of the northern mountains of Africa captured as your father have requested. However, There are a few minor setbacks that need to be taking into consideration. The towers that have been established around the northern district of Europe are constantly under attack. However, we suspect that this level of work is far too advanced to be attributed to an Outlander. Instead it is believed to be one who is more tech-savvy and familiar with our encryptions. This person must be aware of what we are using the facilities for and we fear in due time, they may strategically discover a way of infiltrating the tower and putting an end to our biological experimentations." General Pike explained.

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