Princess In Distress

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[ The Outlands :: Southern Alps of Japan ]

The meadows of the high mountains were as green as the blanket of grass that spanned across a vast bed of land, accompanied by the large patches of snow. Komakusa, Kuroyuri, Hakusan-fuuro were just a few names of the beautiful alpine flowers that bloomed gracefully blessing the fields with pleasant scents. The crystal droplets of drizzle gently rested on the leaves of the plants moisturizing the rocky soil. Sunlight walked among the alpine flora assisting them with photosynthesis. The plants were grateful for the gift of sunlight, absorbing it into their leaves with the use of chlorophyll. Insects buzzed and birds chirped, all producing harmonious sounds that would echo throughout the mountains. The waves in the valley rushed down the waterfall crashing into the mossy limestone rocks, before flowing peacefully down the stream, as the clouds drifted by in the sky reflecting off of the river below.

In the tall grasses, hidden away from the instincts of the stealthy fox and the ravenous eagle, the mother sika deer conceived a pair of fawns hours ago. The newborn deers embraced their mother, suckling her breasts as they indulged in her milk for the first time. After minutes of breastfeeding she huddled all of the fawns and began to cuddle with them providing them with her warmth and protection. Unaware of the dangers that lurked in the background the mother deer continued to give the young deers her undivided attention. Out of the blue, a large menacing figure stood over the bunch. Before the mother could acknowledge the danger and flee, the figure snatched the mother away from her kids, tearing her body in half and consuming her with every bite of its sharp razor teeth. The beast crunched on the mother deer's bones as the blood from her organs spilled from the beast's mouth down upon the fawns.

The newborns made an attempt to escape but the figure had allies that lurked in the shadow. The savages cornered the animals and brutally devoured the mother deer and her fawns leaving nothing but blood on the leaves. Suddenly, a mysterious figure emerged from a dark void of black mist, to observed what had occurred from the trees up above. The individual smiled deviously as the appetite of his sadistic nature was temporally quenched. However, the individual was not satisfied. He would need to inflict much more pain, suffering, and humiliation on an animal of another class. A more sophisticated animal that conveyed capable cognition, so that the individual could relish in their agony. He would need to test his experimentation on one of his own kind—a human. Similar to tachyon particles, the individual vanished faster than the speed of light.

Not too far from where the gruesome incident had taken place. There existed a petite girl who raced down the mountain stumbling over rocks and slipping on frigid pieces of ice. She was not running for recreation or sport. She was fleeing for her dear life. Unlike the mother deer, she was well aware of the danger that surrounded her. And if she valued her existence, she would need to seek refuge far away from her village. Panting heavily as she made her way through the meadows and into the subalpine forest when suddenly she glanced back. She could see the soldiers chasing behind her with their guns in their hands. Her heart raced even faster than she could run.

Dashing through the forest she made a good distance from the soldiers by evading through the trees. Then she hid behind the trunk of a tremendous dead tree. She tried to simmer down to avoid making noise but she was too paranoid. As she calmed down and gained control of her breathing everything went quiet. She looked out from behind the tree then slowly got up. There was no military personnel in sight. She creeped out from behind the tree, mistakingly stepping on a branch that made a loud snapping sound. That's when a soldier grabbed her from behind. Lifting her lightweight little body into the air.

the soldier exclaimed.

"Let me go you creep!" she screamed as she struggled to release herself from the soldier's firm grasp,

"What a feisty little princess we have here. Kinda turns me on, eh." Sgt. Durgo [Rank : Sergeant First Class] laughed.

Then another soldier came running into the forest, "Hey, we're suppose to bring her back to the arch, Durgo! Take it easy with her!" Fierro [Rank : Private] exclaimed.

"Hey, I'm the Captain here! Quiet down Private!"
He chuckled, then proceeded to caress the princess' soft young face stating, "I mean, I've had a lot of women in my time but I've never had one of royalty before." Then he teared the torso region of her kimono revealing her right bosom.

"Yeah, me neither!"
Van [Rank : Corporal] chuckled clutching his firearm.

"Hey guys, take it easy! The General would have our heads for this. They want her back unharmed, remember?" Fierro pleaded.

"Oh quit whining subordinate! We'll have our way with her then if she dies, we'll just say the dragons got to her before we could. We'll make it look like an accident or something, you know. If nobody squeals, it'll all be covered." Sgt. Durgo said.

"Yeah, Durgo is right. Quit whining Fierro! She's the virgin princess. This'll be fun." said Van.

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