The Neo Knight Templars

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[ Terra Domus :: Zone One ]

[ The Aisle of Champions :: Synagogue of Elysium ]

"I swear to devote my actions to all which is right. I will become a servant of the Lord and carry out his duties as he commands. I will forsake the ways of this world, following the path of Jesus Christ. I am nothing but a poor man, all of my riches is in serving the Lord. My sword, my life and my will is not of my own, for I am just a mere vessel of the holy spirit. My path will be directed by My Heavenly Father who will lead me on the straight and narrow road to his Holy Kingdom, and in this kingdom are many mansions and streets of gold. Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers. But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night. I declare to take freely and solemnly the oath of obedience, poverty and chastity, as well as fraternity, hospitality and justice. With this oath, I state my strong and irrevocable intent. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. Amen." the Group of Knights Quoted.

"Now you shall rise ye Soldiers of the Lord, For you are now The Neo-Knight Templars; protectors of all which is Holy and Just. Celebrate in the name of the Lord!" the high priest announced.

The group of young men arose from their knees and stood upright. The crowd began to cheer for them showing them the utmost respect and honor. They had now been initiated as the new Neo-Knight Templars of The Chrome Crusade. Brave warriors who's sworn duty is to protect the High Church of Elysium. The belief of the Elysian was a new age religion that combined the Abrahamic religions with various aspects of Greek mythology. In these teachings they learnt that those who had lived a righteous life which was pleasing to God by abiding by his law and applying the fruits of the spirits to their everyday life would spend all eternity of their afterlife in the Elysium or Heaven. Where one could live peacefully in happiness and serenity enjoying the fruits of their good deeds that they had planted during the course of their earthly existence. They would reside among the aisle of blessings, basking in the glory of the Lord for all of eternity.

However, the unjust would not be rewarded as such, for they would be damned and cursed for all eternity. These wretched souls would be sent to Tartarus, the realm of hell where those who had lived an unjust life of sin would descend into a pit of abysmal darkness, scorching hot fire and brimstone, experiencing pain, suffering and torment forever. Their cries would not be answered, their thirst would not be quenched and their pain will endure eternally. The Neo-Knight Templars were the protectors of this faith. There were seven new recruits now under oath to serve the order of the Elysian church. Passing the vigorous training that contained trials of wits, strength, faith, improvisation and discretion. They would prove to be skilled in swordsmanship while displaying discipline.

They must study the word of God day and night to show themselves approval until they are fluent with each verse and well-versed on each book. Whoever among the group had proven to be stronger, wiser and more skilled among the others that contended, would be chosen to serve under the cardinals of The Synagogue of Elysium. This was every young Elysian boy's dream, to serve in the army of the chrome crusaders. This year these seven young warriors were chosen to lead the conquest into the Outlands of the Americas. They were deemed skilled and trustworthy soldiers of the Lord by the high priest, Pontiff Benedict. The names of these young patron saints were Augustine, Cyril, Ambrosia, Ephrem, Origen and Braille. Braille was the outstanding pupil of Cardinal Anselm, so the eyes of the entire diocese were always focused on him. He conveyed the characteristics of a strict and disciplined young man that took the gospel very serious. In the future he would move up the ranks very swiftly gaining the title as the 'Sword of the Elysian Church', with Cyril, who was second to his ranking being labeled as the 'Shield of the Elysian Church'. It was the successful results of their conquest after being deployed to fight against the winged beasts of The Outlands that gave them their dignified statuses. These beasts were considered "Ungodly" by the high Church and deemed a threat to the dome and all humanity. After slaying dozens of dragons and coming close to defeating their leader, Ira. The young knights were honored by the high church and made famous throughout the entire zone one. Evangelicals, conservatives and christian zealots worshipped the noble knights for their bravery.

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