Alizarin Crimson Elk

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[ Terra Domus :: An Undisclosed Location ]

Amaru woke up months later. He was extremely exhausted. He looked around the room unfamiliar with where he was or how he had gotten there. One thing he was certain of was that this wasn't their manor in west terrace. He rolled out of the bed and looked around the small room. Soundproof panels covered the walls, floors and ceilings. Then behind those panels were insulated interior wall panels to reduce vibrations. It was so silent that he could hear his heart pump blood throughout his body. He patiently sat there and attempted to recollect his memory. The last thing that he remembered was getting into the helicopter with Stan, Rosalía and Professor Kalinsky and leaving the alley in zone three. He could recall the spyder, the members of TPZ3, the police officers at the service station and the secret service agents. Then he remembered Mucalinda, the cobra that saved them.

The room had no windows or doors so he could not tell whether it was day or night, just as when he had fell into the cave. Neither did the room have any entrance or exit. Only thing present in the room was Amaru and a magnetic floating bed. He placed his hand on his forehead in disarray, that's when his faithful robot companion appeared. Unveiling it's invisible cloak, Tetra greeted the boy saying, "Zzz . . . Hi!" Amaru turned around startled by the little bot's voice before realizing that it was Tetra. He greeted Tetra with a big hug expressing how happy he was to see the bot. Tetra conveyed mutual feelings of joy before informing Amaru that on that very day the vernal equinox had begun. At first Amaru was confused as to why the little robot had announced this to him, but then he remembered what Quetzalcoatl had mentioned.

Quetzalcoatl briefly stated that Amaru's mother; the Moon Goddess would visit her son on the day of the equinox when the sun is exactly above the equator and the days and nights are of equal length. Amaru was a bit nervous of meeting Sultana Nazia Zamora once again after centuries. He began to feel uneasy and nervous. The boy recalled how strict his Fulani mother was about his education and having a career among prominent Islamic scholars. However, things have changed in this timeline of the future. Amaru was no longer concerned with religion or laws as he was during the era of the Moors. Furthermore, the boy read books and conducted his own independent research but he was not enrolled in any academic institutions as Rosalía and Stanley were.

The only new accomplishments Amaru could present to his mother was his boxing skills and his amazing supernatural powers, which he was certain that she had already knew of. Tetra then suggested that they should go downstairs explaining that there were some people that Amaru should meet. Amaru stood up and followed the little bot to the wall. As they approached the wall it began to dematerialize into pixelated fragmented particles, creating an exit. Amaru walked through the exit exclaiming, "Whoa, what kind of technology is that, Tetra?" As the particles begin to reconstruct sealing the exit, Tetra explained that it was dark energy or aether energy. It was the very same energy that Texlar used to create Tetra and the pro-autos. This essence was also known as the fifth element.

Supposedly this was the designation that was given to the extraterrestrial substance that occupied the region of the universe above the terrestrial sphere. It was the dominant force that accounts for roughly 68 percent of the universe's total mass and energy. This aether energy was the mysterious energy that Texlar discovered which he wanted to convert to free energy. However, he was not permitted to by his superiors so he used it to create inventions such as the pro-autos and many other useful stuff that contributed to the creation of the dome including the renewable energy system, the thermal energy system, and the plasma shield that covers Terra Domus. Amaru nodded his head understanding that this must have been what the professor and the government of Terra Domus was searching for.

"Can you tell me where I am exactly, Tetra?" Amaru questioned as they walked down the hall. "Zzz . . . We are in zone one of Terra Domus. This is an underground luxury bunker located 200 feet beneath the Professor's geodesic dome lab. He calls it The L.A Catacombs. The bunker has fully furnished and professionally decorated units with over 20,000 square feet of floor space, each unit comes with a five-year food reserve per person, elevator and stairwell access throughout the facility, biometric keyless access, full spectrum LED lighting systems, organic hydroponic and aquaculture food production, redundant electric sources, redundant water supply with minimum of 75,000 gallon reserve tanks, redundant air filtration including nuclear, biological and chemical filtration, medical first aid centers, indoor training facilities with obstacles courses, communication center complete with on-site Internet subset access, digital weather station, and a centralized command & control center." Tetra so thoroughly explained as Amaru commanded. Amaru snapped his finger exclaiming, "Oh! We're underneath The Helia Medical Research Center! This place is amazing!"

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