The Fourth Age

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 As Amaru was buried beneath the surface of the earth. The world had underwent drastic change. The smoke cleared unveiling the aftermath of the cataclysm. The floods dried up, the winds subsided, and the earthquakes ceased. The chaos lasted for three years according to Professor Kalinsky. And for three whole years it was dark, cold and chaotic. Countless cities obliterated, swept from the face of the earth, leaving behind nothing but ruins. Other cities were submerged under a vast body of water with only the top of the extremely tall dilapidated skyscrapers peeking from the depths of the deep blue ocean.

Bodies washed up all over the streets and homes were ravaged. Families were torn apart as love ones were lost, never to be seen again. For years, hope was nothing but an empty promise as mankind wandered around in disarray with no motivation or strength to restore everything that had been lost. Despite this crucial state of depression and regression, mankind eventually overcame this obstacle through an accelerated mode of reconstruction and modernization.

The bright gleaming sunshine dismissed the darkness, illuminating humanity's path. A new form of human civilization rose from the smoldering ashes of destruction ushering in a new age. It all happened so sudden, as if the occurrence of the previous events were orchestrated by some higher power. The resurgence of mankind came with such advanced technology that it propelled humankind even further into evolution than before. A distinct portion of land mass became a futuristic utopia. This fraction of earth was known as 'The Dome'. This firmament was constructed on the western side of North America for the residence of humankind that had been heavily effected by the great global cataclysm.

Terra Domus, which is latin for 'Earth Dome' was the name given to the dome by it's government and its investors. This would be home to the new generation of humans. Those who had survived the global cataclysm and The Outlands. Enhanced geothermal systems were utilized to harness thermal energy from deep underground reservoirs to produce clean renewable and low-carbon electricity and heat. The geothermal power stations, so easily generated potent electricity in abundance from the underground energy reserves located within the earth's crust, that it was estimated to have the potential to supply all of the world's global energy needs for 217 million years. Despite this detail, the energy was specifically used to provide power to the dome—which it did effectively.

Solar panels were also conducive to this operation as they were built into the plasma shields of the dome and integrated into the materials used for buildings like transparent solar energy windows. This solar energy was diversely applied throughout the city to also generate electricity and heat as a surplus supply. Solar energy was used to produce electricity in areas without access to the energy grid, to distill water in regions with limited clean water supplies and to power satellites in space. Innovations in quantum physics and nanotechnology accelerated the effectiveness of solar panels and tripled the electrical input of the solar power systems.

Not only was nanotechnology used in the technological development of solar panels, but it was also used in various aspects of the medical field. Nanotechnology in medicine involved the applications of nano-particles. This operation involved manufactured nano-robots that were employed to make repairs at a cellular level. This application restored and enhanced the body physically, rebuilding cells and even replacing body parts with technologically advanced prosthetics and partially reverse the aging of human beings. These nano-particles could also be used to identify and kill bacteria, sterilize medical equipment, produce electrical pulses via nano-generators which could be worn as bandages and gauzes by patients, and reduce internal bleeding for trauma patients while creating gold nano-particles that act as synthetic platelets which significantly reduced blood loss. Cryogenic stasis or cryonics was also on the verge of a breakthrough as a method of reanimation in which individuals were placed into a frozen state where their minds would be dormant and their bodies would be preserved, extending their lifespans for the possibility of resuscitation. Though, reanimation was still undergoing much examination. Combining studies such as neuroscience, biology and technology assisted in the swift developing process.

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