The Dogon People

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[ The Outlands :: NorthWest Mountains of Africa ]

The loud disruptive sounds of devastating explosions echoed beyond the mountains of Mali. Followed by the eruption of multiple explosions that resonated throughout North Africa. Then a final explosion went off shortly after, besting the last explosions by rendering even more destruction to the native communities, annihilating the sudano-sahelian architectural styled homes and the environment surrounding them. The homes, temples and schools crumbled, falling from the high sandstone cliffs as the stone walls collapsed. Then another explosion went off spontaneously, and down fell the remaining temples crushing hundreds of men, women and children inside bringing about a strong gust of wind and debris that pushed all of the soldiers back with it's force.

The private ran over to the General, "General Pike! There's only one more temple left standing, sir. Shall we bring it down as well?" Private Polyvoir asked. The General handed his cigar over to the young private then flew over to the temple. The battlefield was drenched in blood, as the dead bodies of the natives and soldiers covered the fields like bermuda grass. He landed in front of the final temple that had yet to be brought down. Looking upon the building with a devilish smirk appearing across his face, he announced, "Hogon Tau, I will ask once again that you leave the temple so that we can settle things in a more diplomatic manner. We both have garnered a great number of causalities in today's battle. I think it would be best if we continued with our words instead of our weapons." The Hogon did not reply to his offer. In the temple hid the last of the remaining villagers. They were evading the next attack by fleeing to the bottom of the temple where they would use an underground escape tunnel that led far away from the village. They had to move quickly as the warriors bought them time. Women and children were first preference and any men that had survived could accompany them to ensure their protection. General Pike and his soldiers now stood outside of the temple with their guns, explosives and military mecha.

Their objective was to capture the villagers, but instead of bringing them back to the dome to exploit their labour. They would utilize the prisoners of war right there on the continent of Africa by forcing them to extract natural resources. Even after centuries of colonialism, neocolonialism and the effects of the great global cataclysm. Africa still remained rich in natural resources such as the diamonds found in Angola, Botswana, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo. Gold found in Benin, Burkina Faso, Djibouti, Mali, South Africa, Tanzania. Nickel and Uranium found in Burundi, Pozzolana found in Cape Verde, Fish found in Comoros, Guinea-Bissau, Mauritius, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal, Seychelles. Timber found in Liberia, Titanium found in Gambia, Graphite found in Madagascar, Tobacco found in Malawi. Iron Ore found in Mauritania. Phosphates found Western Sahara, Morocco, Aluminium and Gas found in Guinea, Mozambique. And Copper found in Uganda and Zambia.

Once they extracted these natural resources, it would be refined through machinery and exported to the domes where the residence of zone three would then use these natural resources to manufacture goods. After those goods were produced they would be shipped to zones one and two for consumption. Then exported to Aequor Domus and Caelum Domus for multiple uses. However, if the natives refused and attempted to fight back, the soldiers were permitted to execute them. With the rebellious natives expelled from the land they could use machinery and imported slaves to do the work.

"Very well then. I tried to be cordial with you savage outlanders, but as it is understood. You people have no understanding of diplomacy whatsoever, only violence." Pike stated. "Blow it to smither—" but before Pike could finish his command the Hogon Chief of the village replied, "How are you trying to be cordial by invading our domain and attacking my people no reason, Alastar Pike? What diplomacy is there to have with a man who would kill innocent women and children to further his own geopolitical interests?" he exclaimed, purposely buying his people more time to escape. Brigadier General Pike turned around, "Hogon Tau! I knew you would want to reason with me. I apologize for the bloodshed, but we were met with hostile resistance so we reacted how most soldiers would in such a dire situation. But you can save the rest of your people by submitting to us peacefully. I assure you that life is ten times more easier under our supervision. Your people will be given citizen status to the dome, a proper education, adequate housing and a lifetime job. You will never see one day of unemployment. As for you, forget being the chief of dust and rubble, you will be treated as a God of the new world. Adored with modesty and reverence." The General's words fell on deaf ears as Hogon Tau watched his two guards escort the villagers into the tunnel. "That is a wonderful offer Pike. But do you have enough resources to share amongst my people?" the Hogon questioned. General Pike scoffed responding, "We have all the resources necessary for sustaining human life and a comfortable living."

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