The Triple Goddess

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After meeting the members of The Alizarin Crimson Elk. The boy was astounded by how distinctly interesting each individual was. Many of them even had supernatural abilities in the same sense that Amaru did. He enjoyed hearing about their backgrounds, but the cruelty that they endured at the hands of the powers that be, made him irate. Sadly, he began to feel fatigued as well. So he bid the group a farewell and retreated upstairs where he was escorted by Rosalía to a grande luxurious room. This room was more fitting for the boy than the previous room, having glossy extravagant marbel floors, modern LED Lights, an enignum bed, stylish faux silk drapes and a surround sound projector.

Amaru sat on the bed and asked, "Wait, if we have huge rooms like this down here, why did you guys throw me in a small insulated soundproof room?" Rosalía chuckled while playing with Tetra, "Oh, it wasn't my idea. Professor Kalinsky requested that you be placed in an insulated room. He assumed that you were part reptilian, so you'd probably be more sensitive to low-frequency vibrations, I think. He wanted you to get a good long rest without any disturbance." Amaru laid across the bed replying, "Hm, I understand." then he asked, "Did I miss anything important when I was asleep?" Rosalía shook her head replying, "Well, let's see. We moved from our house in West Terrace to avoid being tracked, The Professor had Tetra wipe all of our information from the government's database and he was able to recreate another Tetra Bot. So, yeah now we're all basically illegal immigrants, living in a bunker with two tetra bots and an army of insurgents, that's all. Get some rest Amaru."

Rosalía took Tetra and left the room closing the door behind her. "Hmm, luckily The Professor is well off, or we would be in hot water." Amaru thought. Amaru drifted into a sudden slumber as he laid on his bed consumed by the warmth and comfort of the soft sheets. Although he could not see the sky from the underground bunker. He dreamt of a wide open firmament with stars sprinkled across the night sky as the silver moon sparkled and glistened. The moon was full and mesmerizing. In the distance he could see something or someone approaching. A beam of light was making it's way towards the boy at full speed. As the light drew closer, Amaru began to fall back.

The light came as close towards him as possible then exploded in his face blinding him like a super nova. Everything became white as his vision become blurred. Opening his eyes he realized a giant pale-faced lady with flush rosy cheeks and lush red lips staring down at him. "Boo!" the lady exclaimed. He panicked throwing himself from the bed terrified by the sight of the giant lady. The tall female wore a white dress that sparkled and shimmered. Her thick long red hair flowed from the crown of her circinate golden halo, down to her feet. The luminous lady stood approximately ten feet tall, staring down at the boy smiling happily. Amaru rolled off of the bed falling to the floor, then crawling away in a hurry to find a hiding place.

"Well, that's no way to greet your mother!" she said with a voice of serenity.

"M-Mother?" the boy repeated.

"Yes, Ashiq! Come out from your hiding place and greet me properly! Come on now." she laughed.

He hesitantly crawled out from behind the drapes and approached the giant lady, "Sultana Nazia Zamora? Why are you so pale mom? Is it because you're dead?"

"Nope, it's because I'm not her, silly!" the lady laughed.

Amaru began to think, "Atalia González?"

"Wow, you have a mother for each ethnic group, do you? Hehe."

"Haha, I guess so. I'm an amalgamation of many good people." Amaru chuckled.

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