Change is Inevitable

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There he sat on the severed head of a giant beast clutching the skull of a famed fallen soldier. He had experienced many battles and won many wars, but death was something that he was fortunate enough to escape each time. His contemporaries weren't afforded this miraculous grace though. He was special in every way. A rational soldier, skillful and valiant. Willing to lay down his life for his country if necessary. From the scorching heat of Africa, to the freezing winters in Europe, he fought along side his comrades. But, this battle was one that they could not win. No amount of magic, advanced weaponry or level of proficiency could grant them the victory they so craved. They would return home with far less soldiers than they had deployed with. Many wives turned widows, many offsprings left fatherless and many family's denied the chance of ever seeing their sons and daughters again. What hasn't already been said will never be heard. Regret is sure to brew. No milk and honey or streets of gold. Only blood and dirt, sweat and tears. This is war, and war is hell. War does not determine who is right— only who is left.

Several weeks ago the soldiers had high hopes as they left the coast of North Africa victoriously crushing the Hogon and the Dogon People. At the Northern tower they would rendezvous with several other units, defeat the baltic peoples of the Outlands, then station themselves within the Northern Tower military base. The base was like a home away from home for most soldiers. There, they could get some rest, eat whatever meal they requested, work-out, train, and find many other sources of entertainment to occupy their time. The research facility on the property would provide medical aid and health care as well as daily check-ups. It was even rumored that this tower was where soldiers undergo an experimentation process to alter their physical and mental capacities, turning them into super soldiers; biological weapons of the state of Terra Domus.

Whether this was true or not, the tower itself was a communication hub responsible for broadcasting signals to televisions, cellphone and radios which made it convenient for soldiers to contact their loved ones and let them know that they were safe. The stereotypical assumption that the rendezvous would consist of a minuscule battle between the primitive Outlanders with insignificant weaponry was what made them underestimate their opponents. They assumed that this battle would be similar to the previous battles they had with the Dogon Tribe and various other tribes whom was easily subdued by their advanced machinery. However this was not the case. It is a fool that bases their thoughts on ill-advised assumptions, so their conclusions will be mischievous madness.

The forces of Terra Domus had became too imperious. They had forgotten that no matter how weak your enemies may appear, the tides of the battle can shift at any moment of fault or error. Therefore one must stay alert even when engaging in battle with those they deem inferior or insignificant. There is no guarantee that you can win the war, until it is already won. The army had not realized that they were being monitored every step of the way. Their enemy had already knew that they were coming. the Dogons were a small fraction of what had became a united front called The United Federations. They were contacted moments ahead by the Hogon, giving them time to estimate when the unit would arrive at their destination and how long it would take them according to their numbers. All of this intel was garnered through the lens of a Pro-Auto.

These spherical drones that were given the title of Proelium Automata [Pro-Auto] by their now deceased creator Neir Texlar. They were spectating everything from the soldiers had landed in Europe. There were only three pro-autos in existence ; an offense drone, a defense drone and a neutral drone. Despite the unique distinction between the three robots, they all shared a similar trait which allowed them to increase lethality by enhancing their ability to detect, decide and engage without command. Texlar created many great inventions that contributed greatly in the technological landscape of Terra Domus but these drones would've proven to be his best work. A drone created to assist human beings in their everyday lives and participate in national security, but before he could make any final adjustments to this work, the government had already began to seize his creations and cut his funding.

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