Meeting of The Equinox

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[ The House of representatives ]

[ Terra Parliament :: Hall of The Masters ]

"I-I'm s-s-s-sorry, Master M-Mor—" Mr. Freeman, the elderly economist shrieked in fear, unable to complete his sincere apology as he was torn apart limb by limb as a convocation of giant ravenous eagles consumed his flesh. The predator's razor sharp claws peeled his skin, as their beaks plucked his eyes, removing the pair from their respective sockets. His screams of agony sent chills down the spines of those present at the meeting as they observed the horrendous devourment. With a razor sharp long-handle nagamaki sword in his grasp, Morgade then approached the other businessman that stood trial before him. "Keenly observe gentleman! This is what happens when you partake in the illicit trade of eliyo-tech armaments!" Master Morgade stated as he pointed the cleaver at the man being ravaged by the eagles.

"Mr. Soule, there is a despot on the rise in South Africa. With the help of a cyber-guerrilla unit, he has attacked three of our military bases. Thousands were killed during these ambush attacks. Our soldiers have confirmed that the guerillas are using exclusive eliyo-tech weapons that has not even been tested and authorized for distribution on the public market. IAM has found evidence that leads back to you and Mr. Freeman. But, since Mr. Freeman is no longer with us, it is up to you to give us the name of this insurgent. The name of which weapons did you sell to them? And any other information that may be valuable in our investigation." Morgade explained as he stood before the man who had now fell to his knees pleading for his life. "I swear, Master Morgade! It was all Freeman's business. I was unaware that he was involved in such scandalous deals." the man stated. This man was Mr. Soule, a middle aged another elite economist. Morgade gestured stating, "Hmm, we had a private investigator follow both of you and on multiple instances you were both recorded meeting up with militias in South Africa. Explain."

In an instance Mr. Soule's facial expression and body language shifted. He knew he had been caught committing an offense an offense against the state of Terra Domus via dubious acts of treason. Morgade lifted the sword high with both hands gripping the hilt, then beheaded Mr. Soule in one fell swoop. The blade descended with so much intense brute force that it immediately became fixed to the floor upon impact. Everyone in the room peered at the young man in silence paralyzed by fear. The young man then nonchalantly fixed his bloodstained attire. Then removed his long curly blonde hair from his face, tying it in a bun, before ordering that the gory mess be cleaned up. The custodian droids act swiftly without command. Inhaling deeply, Morgade displayed a pleasant smile across his face. He made his way to the conference table and took a seat. Then the meeting had begun as they were briefed on the current events that had taken place.

The Powers that be stood around observing the battle attentively on the holographic projector. They utilized the anamorphic lens of the multispectral camera to observed what happened during the alley incident in high resolution from the perspective of the Spyder. Sadly, the video playback was extremely blurry and disjointed due to the enormous amount of damage the Spyder had endured. Working with what they had, they took notice of Amaru and the insurgents of TPZ3. Luckily, the insurgents had their faces covered to hide their identities. Unfortunately, Amaru was barefaced when he assaulted the military robot, which was a heinous act of violence against the state and military property. This was a serious charge that could justify the imprisonment and execution of Amaru.

However, this was not the delegate's primary concern. They were more impressed with his supernatural abilities, than they were with detaining the young boy. What they had witnessed was unfathomable. Despite the amount of deaths that took place that night, none of it was broadcasted on the news. It was as if it hadn't even taken place. It was obvious that the government had chosen to cover everything up from the public. Even still, very little concern is expressed towards the citizens of zone three, regardless. One can only speculate how many dire situations that take place in zone three on a daily basis that is never reported by the mainstream media.

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