Ashoka & The Last Magi

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[ The Outlands :: Iran ]

During the young monk's long weary journey across the scorching hot deserts, through the narrow valleys and over the steep mountains. He met many different ethnic groups of people such as the Kashmiris, the Nāga people, the Gurung people, the Punjabis, and the Iranians. He was fascinated by each of their culture and practices. The young monk was grateful that he had decided to travel beyond the four walls of the monastery. He had heard rumors of a wise Magi in West Asia who had exceeded death, defeated sickness and mastered the arts of teleportation through pyrokinesis. This was something that Ashoka could not believe by word of mouth, so he had decided to investigate the claims for himself.

It was said that the Magi was the last of his kind

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It was said that the Magi was the last of his kind. He dwelled in an ancient temple called the fire temple. The monk knew if he had wished to reach the dome in a more timely manner. It would be convenient to seek the help of this magical magi. After questioning a few people about the magi's location, he was directed to a temple in Yazd by some nomads. Isolated among the tress, at the end of a circular water fountain sat a small off-white temple. Ashoka walked over to the temple and stood at the front door staring up at emblem that hung above the entrance. The emblem had an elderly bearded man that stood at the center of a circle with wings at each side. "It's called a Faravahar. Does it interest you?" a soft voice asked. Ashoka looked in the direction of the voice only to behold the most beautiful woman that he had ever laid his eyes upon. Dressed in all-white, with shiny ornaments around her neck, her dark long hair flowed down to her waist. "I find the concept interesting. Can you give me the meaning of it please." he humbly asked. The girl smiled as she walked over to him slightly holding up her dress to avoid getting the hem dirty. "This symbol can be interpreted differently by many different people. One example is that the figure depicts an elderly man, symbolizing the wisdom and experience that a believer should possess. The reaching of his hand also tells us that we should reach for what is higher and achieve great things by doing what is morally right. The three layers of feathers on the wings and tail contrasts each other: the three wings represents good thoughts, good words, and good deeds. While the the tail is the opposite representing bad thoughts, bad words, and bad deeds. The two loops near the tail symbolizes Spenta Mainyu and Angra Mainyu. These two are seen as the sons of Ahura Mazda, but one represents that which is good; Spenta Mainyu. While the other represents eternal darkness, that would be Angra Mainyu. We should turn away from the darkness and follow that which is good. This is Zoroastrianism." the beautiful young lady carefully explained to Ashoka.

Ashoka looked into her hazel eyes then turned his attention to the symbol, "Oh. It's a very manichaean dualistic belief system . . . and what about the circle?" she looked up at the symbol once again, "Hmm . . . The circle in the middle of the symbol represents our spirit. The line of the circle does not have an end. Just like our souls, immortal and unaffected by time." Ashoka stood their astonished by how fluent and confident she spoke of her belief. "We share a similar belief in Hinduism. Ātman is the word we use. It is sanskrit for soul, essence, or breath. Ātman is also considered to be eternal. Unlike the body and mind it is imperishable and transcends time as well." she smiled stating, "Wow, that is true. They are very similar. It is also beautiful. My name is Roshni." she said smiling as she extended out her arm to greet the young man. He shook her hand in exchange of a pleasant greeting, "Roshni? That is a beautiful name. My name is Ashoka." she nodded stating, "Ashoka? I liked your name too. May I ask, what brings you to the fire temple? Are you in need of prayers?" He bowed before the girl stating, "Oh, no. Forgive me for trespassing but many people that I've met on my journey has spoken very highly of a magi that lived in Yazd. They said that he could manipulate fire to do many things such as heal the sick, cast out evil spirits and even create portals for teleportation. They said that he could also assist me. May I request an audience with him?" Ashoka requested.

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