Mayhem on The Mountain

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Making his way through the deep depths of the murky muddy water while fighting against the mighty currents. Amaru's pants and shoes were stained with filth and his jacket was soaked. Once again, he was the only person outside in the middle of the heavy downpour. Many thoughts ran across his mind but the situation concerning the weather was one that he could not understand the dynamics of. It was just sunny a moment ago, now all of a sudden they were having some sort of hurricane heading in their direction.

Also the hurricane was a already a category four, which meant by the time that it got to their country it'll probably have already evolved into a category 5 or 6. A hurricane that dangerous could sweep their fragile village and makeshift shanty towns off of the mountain in an instance. But that would be the boy's second concern at this point. Firstly, he needed to return home to his family and ensure that everyone was safe.

Suddenly Amaru thought back to how fast he ran and how high he leaped when he had María. Amaru had leaped nearly ten feet from the ground. That was the highest the boy had ever jumped in his life, but he wasn't sure if it was because of the help that he received from the blustery winds. Even still he was amazed that he stuck the landing so well. Thinking if that was the case, he was definitely about to try it once again to save him some time.

Lost in his train of thought, Amaru felt one of his sneakers burst, leaving a hole at the bottom of his left sneaker. The boy stopped in the muddy water disappointed that his shoes had given out during such a crucial time. So he took both of his sneakers off and began tying the laces together to throw them around his neck. That's when a strong brisk wind blew from out of nowhere stealing the pair of shoes and sweeping them away in the flood. Instantly Amaru became angry, but his anger was quickly overwhelmed by his amaze when unexpectedly he began to feel his feet enlarge. Web-like flaps of skin began to form between each one of his toes.

Finally his body became extremely light as tiny air bubbles appeared below his feet pushing the boy to the surface. Using the air trapped inside the bubbles along with the boy's featherlight body, he could actually stand on top of the water. Amaru was confused and astounded simultaneously. He stood on the surface of the muddy water as the air pushed his lightweight body forward. He began moving in harmony with the wind as it forced him onward. Amaru accelerated with the rushing currents of the water descending down the mountain it looked as if he was skiing. Then as soon as an enormous blast of wind built up, the boy leaped from the surface of the water ascending high up into the sky and was immediately propelled by the breeze helping him to glide to his house.

Using the towel he received from María's dad like a parasail, Amaru could see the entire village from a bird's eye point of view. He could see the immense damage that the storm subjected the village to. And in the boy's opinion, things were looking really bad. Homes were already destroyed, yards were flooded and animals and people were attempting to swim to safety. As Amaru arrived closer to his home, he also realized that he was too high up and if he did not decrease in altitude he would glide past his house. So, Amaru closed the towel and swiftly nosedived into the water, landing headfirst into their front yard with the puddle breaking his fall.

The water pushed him to their front door as he yelled everyone's name, "Mom! Dad! Areli! Open up the door!" Amaru's mom was sitting at the living room table worried when she heard her son crying out. Areli spotted him through the window then ran to the door. Atalia and Areli immediately opened the door and pulled Amaru inside, "Oh my goodness my son! Where have you been? Are you okay?" his mom cried. "Yes ma'am, I'm alright. I got . . . caught up in the storm, that's all." His little sister hugged his leg asking, "Where'd you get that towel from Amaru? And where's your shoes? Hehe."

Amaru looked at the towel, then looked down at his feet noticing that they had reverted back to normal. He replied jokingly, "Ha ha, my shoes got washed away and I got this towel from one of our neighbor's clothes line, of course." She laughed and ran off into her room. "Amaru. get over here!" Fernando yelled aggressively. Quickly making his way over to his father as he stood at the back window drinking his bottle of liquor and staring outside of the kitchen window.

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