The Nāga vs The Garuda

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The delegates and the members of the aristocracy panicked and began to flee the garden as fast as possible. Suddenly a swarm of pro-autos bursted throw the crystal ceilings. After detecting the bots, they began shooting down the militarized advanced actroids. Smoke grenades and missiles were fired at the crowds of people to create a diversion. Then the pro-autos approached the professor's prison and freed him by creating an exit for him to escape without being electrocuted. Attack pro-autos fired at IAM, but similar to the plasma shield that surrounded the dome. IAM created a barrier to protect him from any external attacks.

More pro-autos began ganging up on the artificial intelligence, but none of their attacks were effective. IAM then generated high powered infrared laser beams that emitted from the robot's body like a disco ball, cutting through the pro-autos and dismembering many members the delegates and blue bloods in the process. The beam carved up the building's floors, causing everyone to descend to the lower levels. Professor Kalinsky fell back as the floors caved in, but one of the pro-autos swiftly caught him and flew him to safety. Professor Kalinsky then materialized Tetra explaining to the bot that they needed to destroy IAM to disarm the plasma shields. He then transferred confidential information about IAM's security system directly to the little bot. This information was acquired when the professor worked closely with IAM as Harper.

Tetra examined the data, analyzing IAM's defenses thoroughly as the rest of the pro-autos kept the droid distracted. The little robot processed the information then amassed a solution. Tetra used a signal to control all of the pro-autos like a hive mind to get them on one accord. Then it instructed the robots to surround IAM and initiate their magneto hydrodynamic explosive munition [MAHEM]. They immediately followed this command firing at the robot all at once with the MAHEM explosives, which penetrated through the enemy's plasma shield with higher efficiency and completely annihilated IAM.

The plasma shield that covered the city of Terra Domus instantly evaporated as IAM was destroyed. The computer generated imaged dematerialized as the dome gradually vanished. The rioters, protestors, militias and insurgents looked up as the genuine sky was revealed. The moon and the stars now shined brightly upon them. Many of the citizens weren't even aware that the dome had disintegrated. They were too occupied fighting against the authorities, destroying property and looting. Until they all took notice to a gigantic shadow engulfing them all in total darkness. Everyone looked up above their heads, only to behold the dragons that descended upon the city. The people screamed in terror as they fled for cover. Little did they know, the dragons were on their side.

They began slaughtering and devouring the forces of the dome and wrecking the walking tanks. Ira, the horned dragon demolished the plasma cannons once and for all. Now, the primary defense system of the dome was obliterated. The Outlanders noticed that shields had fell and pressed forward without delay as they invaded Terra Domus. They used the combat mechas to eradicate the walking tanks that attacked the insurgents and protestors. Families and friends reunited with their loved ones that were stolen by the forces of Terra Domus. Even more pro-autos flooded the city terminating the authorities, while breaking up their formation and disrupting their communication systems. The authorized signals were deliberately blocked to prevent wireless communications. This restricted the military of Terra Domus from requesting reinforcements or sending out distress signals. Electromagnetic pulse were also emitted to disable weapons, power down unmanned vehicles and switch off electrical devices.

"King Bélial! I summon you! Please grant me your power!" shouted a battered and bruised MK Ultra. His upper body was charred and his right arm was severed by the blade of the young monk. However, once he called on the power of the goetia demon, the pact was sealed. MK's limbs regenerated as his entire body converted to colloidal liquid-like black goo. The goo conjured an eyeball that observed the battle meticulously. The black goo made of ferrofluids that took the formation of spikes before they quickly attacked Ashoka. In spite of the agility of the ferromagnetic particles, the young monk evaded the attack by leaping high up into the air. He then landed on the floor cutting through the goo with his sword. The goo quickly began to spread across the blade producing such abstract textures and poisonous repugnant odor.

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