The World Tower

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On the inside, anarchy flooded the city streets like a turbulent tsunami, damaging both public and private property. The Outlanders and dragons surrounded the parameter of the dome. Awaiting the collapse of the plasma shield, that they may gain entry. Buildings, vehicles and homes were set ablaze. The authorities struggled in a fight for their lives against the insurgents; the Crimson Elk, TPZ3, Industrial Worker Unions, Anarchy Coalitions and Anti-Fascist Militias. Even mutineers and rebels without a cause pillaged and raided the businesses and residential houses of zone one and two, extorting the residence with threats and acts of violence. As for the residence of zone one and two that attempted to evacuate. The shuttles had transported the maximum capacity that they could hold.

It would not be safe to make anymore rounds back and forth under such war-ridden conditions. Anyone left behind would have to fend for themselves as retribution was left in the hands of mob rule. The neo-reactionaries armed themselves to counter the anarchists and protect their belongings, but they were underarmed and overpowered. Decades of suppression brought forth a pent-up anger that exploded like a ticking time-bomb, destroying everything in it's proximity. However, outside of this proximity, in a far away disclosed location within the dome, the cries of frustration, firearms and explosions could not be heard. Only peace and tranquility occupied the atmosphere on the interior of the Terra Tower.

At the very top floor an important summit took place concerning Amaru, Léopold Morgade II and dozens of significant world leaders and Aristocrats. The outside of the chrome narrow tower was shaped like a sharp needle that pierced the heavens. It ascended high above the clouds like the Tower of Babel in the biblical text. The walls were made of reflective diamonds and the floors were paved with pure gold. A sweet aroma of lilac and lavender replenished the halls as the domestic droids tended to their duties. The soft strumming melodic sounds of a harp echoed through the tower emitting a hypnotic tone.

Without further adieu, the members assembled in the Garden of Acropolis for the banquet. The garden was lush and abundant in fruits, vegetables and strange hybrid plants. A ring of water surrounded the garden like the primordial ocean. The waterfalls flowed upward towards the ceiling instead of downward. Grande aesthetically pleasing white marble statues stood among the trees observing the banquet from a distance. Radiant clouds calmly drifted by shifting their forms with each second. A long golden table was prepared before the delegates. The table was flooded with an assortment of foods, far too many for the consumption of the guests. The domestic servants, many of whom were also advanced actroids akin to Rosalía, were draped in crisp spotless white linen. They stood off in the distance with expressionless faces waiting to respond to any demands that were given.

Amaru sat at one end of the table with Ashoka standing behind him, while Léopold Morgade II sat at the other end with MK Ultra and Harper standing behind him. That's when Ashoka brought to Amaru's attention that there was an android floating high up above the garden. Amaru looked up noticing the chrome android sitting in a lotus position as he levitated. "That must be him! That's the robot that The Professor was talking about. IAM; The Supercomputer of Central Intelligence." Ashoka whispered to Amaru. Amaru then redirected his attention back towards Morgade II as he nonchalantly sipped his wine expressing great apathy towards the civil disorder that was taking place outside, as his actroid servants fanned him and fed him slices of honeydew melon. He sat on his extravagant throne, suited in exorbitant vesture. He gave the members of the meeting a shoddy excuse for his tardiness then proceeded to speak. Amaru looked around the room taking notice of each and every one of their faces.

They came in every different color, shape and size. Heartless hollowed husks covered in the most authentic coat of flesh that money could buy. They smiled, conveying manners and etiquettes and spoke many different languages native to earth's population, trying their best to appear human. Yet, their atrocities against humanity were diametrically opposed to that of a human. These were the ones, the traitors of mankind, and they were all gathered in one place at the very same time. Amaru looked at their smiling faces with disgust as they sipped their aged wines and consumed their lavish delectables. His heart began beating fast as his hands began to tremble with rage. He reached down for king tut's dagger as he felt his chest begin to flare up like a furnace.

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