Living Luxuriously

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Inhaling deeply, Amaru emitted a loud gasp as he woke up in terror from another haunting nightmare. The boy's body was drenched in sweat that soaked the duvet covers. He pulled the bedspread aside then sat at the edge, grasping his forehead trying to gain control of his frantic breathing pattern as his thoughts raced. Looking around the huge room where Professor Kalinsky had situated him. The prospective interior design of the bedroom was aesthetically pleasing. Helping the troubled boy to soothe his mind. The floors were smooth and glossy with neon lights that extended across the baseboards of the walls and ceiling. The walls displayed flashy psychedelic patterns that automatically transitioned like a slide show.

Across from the boy's ultramodern oddly shaped bed was a 300 feet holographic display that projected movies in high definition on a wide curved screen. To the right of his bed was a large carbon fiber bookshelf mounted against the wall loaded with literature. Under the bookshelf was the box that Amaru's mother gave him. The box remained sealed because the boy did not have the key to open it, and every other attempt he made was futile. The furniture was retro-futuristic, unique and stylish and silver orbs hovered around the room radiating glitzy phosphorescent lights. To the far left was a tall window that was covered by lengthy dazzling holographic drapes that blocked the sunlight from shining into Amaru's room uninvited. Amaru kept his room organized and tidy at all time. Everything was equally balanced and stored away in designate spaces. The professor joked that Amaru may have had a strong case of obsessive–compulsive disorder. Amaru would laugh but deep down inside—he knew the professor was correct.

 Amaru would laugh but deep down inside—he knew the professor was correct

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Judging by his sense of time, he could tell that it was morning. He looked at the clock on his nightstand for further confirmation revealing that it was 9:37 am. Sitting next to the clock was the jade ehecailacocozcatl necklace that his mother gave to him as a gift. Placing it around his neck the spiral shell pendant dropped at the center of his chest, glowing when the reflection of the neon lights bounced off of it. Throwing his body into the bed, he lied on his back with his arms stretched wide as he made a deep sigh while staring at the ceiling. He started to think about the sparring session he had at the boxing gym last night. Looking at both of his arms he noticed that the hand wraps were still around his palms. He sat up and began unwrapping the bandages, that's when he heard a subtle knock at his door.

"Hey, Amaru? Are you up yet?" the voice asked. He sat there silently staring at the door. "Amaru, can I come in?" the voice asked again. He snapped out of his gaze replying, "Y-Yeah, come right on in Rose." The Professor's assistant entered the room closing the door softly behind her. He watched as she strolled over to him. Her white high heels tapping against the seamless surface of the hard reflective marble floors as she made her way to the bed.

"You know, you can't just lay in bed for the rest of your life." she said.

"Urgghhhh, not this again." the boy groaned.

"You have to get out there and see the rest of Terra Domus, Amaru. It's beautiful!" she said as she sat next to him.

"Mmm, he sent you to tell me this, didn't he?" he said in a tiresome tone.

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