The Pyramid Process

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Amaru had lived within the dome for two years, and over those past two years he took noticed to the conspicuous changes that took place gradually. Although the citizens that resided in the dome was protected from the harsh living conditions of the Outlands. Another issue began to resurface. This time it was not nature, diseases or famine that the people had to worry about. Instead it was now social issues that occurred as a result of political issues. In a society that the people had believed to be a democracy. There was a lot of social unrest brewing. This form of oppression was one that many was familiar with even before the great cataclysm, but they had assumed that it had been washed away along with the laws and infrastructure of the old world, and they would be able to start all over again with a level playing field.

However this was not the case, for equality, equity and justice were still controversial topics. This system was very much identical to the old oppressive system, it had only been rebranded and repackaged to appear glamorous to a new hopeless audience. Systemic oppression creeped in with the passing of laws that implicitly enforced multiple forms of inequality. This became a prominent part of the social hierarchy through classism and segregation. A system that kept a small amount of individuals at the top of the social structure, with the majority at the bottom. The individuals at the top had more financial influences to get laws approved that favored their financial interests. Little by little the upperclass and the government appeared to act as one entity. Every law, legislation, act, statute, ordinance and amendment was constituted to serve the ruling class without government regulation or the approval of the people. "The system is rigged, and need not be reformed but destroyed." Amaru once heard the professor muttered. Upon realizing what was taking place many wanted to leave, but they were already trapped like caged birds.

They watched as Terra Domus slowly descended into a totalitarian fascistic slave-state where the government ruled with an iron-fist and the wealthy enjoyed their privilege and leisure. The working class were viewed as a surplus of free labour which was subjected to draconian laws, while the rich and wealthy enjoyed socialized benefits that this free labour produced. Nonetheless, the government along with big corporations still promoted deceptive propaganda that made Terra Domus appear as a land of freedom, liberty and democracy, just to lure others from The Outland into the dome. But when those newcomers realized what they were lured into, it would be too late. They would be branded and shipped off to zone three to perform tireless inhumane labor for long hours.

The dream that they were sold was one that they had to be asleep to attain. Which was impossible considering the little rest that the residence of zone three were allowed. Which is also why they were kept docile, receiving a subpar education under the provision of the higher-ups. The plutocrats believed that industrial workers shouldn't be provided with an education beyond the primary level. However for those who were considered more intelligent than the average member of the working class. They were presented with intelligence quotient and cognitive tests that would decide if they and their family could be promoted to a higher standard of living once they were deemed beneficial to the agenda of the one's in power by assisting them in enforcing their system. These individuals would be considered the members of middle class, better known as the coordinator class, the merchant class or the bourgeoisie. They were neither upper class or lower class, but members of the social class who had to maintain their position by appeasing the ones that had granted them a better living standard.

Considering that they were always face with the threat of falling back down the social ladder into the ranks of the working class, it was in their best interest to do as they were told and perpetuate the system that now benefitted them. Scouting for these people would take place with every new wave of migrants. They were mentally tested and physically examined. As for those that did not meet the criteria, they were tossed into the working class of zone three where citizens barely made sufficient income to feed their families—if they were still to be considered citizens at all. The residence of zone three barely had any rights and there was no longer a voting process, even if there were, those considered to be undesirables would not be able to participate. Freedom of speech was allowed but only to a specific group of individuals. There were penalties for displaying defiant behavior. Those who spoke out against the powers that be were not tolerated at all. They were labelled as "terrorists" or "extremists" and immediately terminated without due process.

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