The Master Plan

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The group gathered in professor Kalinsky's office to discuss how they would carry out the coup against the powers that be. But before they could discuss their plan, there were some additional information that the professor needed to address. Amaru, Rosalía, Stanley, K'amari, Irie, Ashoka, Princess Norinami, Yasuke, Fierro and the several squad commander, all gave the professor their undivided attention as they listened to his narrative. He then informed them on everything he had learnt from living as a wealthy scientist who was lucky enough to move up from the slums of zone three. He felt that this information would be beneficial to the group, especially the ones from The Outlands.

He told the story of how he met Neir Texlar and Esmerelda Garcia, and how they helped him and his family. The revolution played a very important role in his life as a young adult working tirelessly in an industrial steel factory for hours, barely making enough money to feed his family. The professor's wife was sick with the plague. But due to his social status as a citizen of zone three, he could not afford even the temporary treatments that Terra Domus had available. He eventually turned to alternative options and added natural supplements to any medicine he could find to enhance the potency. But the effects were still inadequate.

Professor Kalinsky was found in a dreadful state of misery and despair very similar to Amaru's story. When he was salvaged by the Forces of Terra Domus, they brought him back to the dome. He scored remarkably on every intelligence quotient test proving how astute and capable he was of assimilating into the ranks of high society. But, despite displaying exceptional intellect and very significant cognitive abilities, he was still rejected. Him, his son and his wife were transferred to zone three with no justifiable explanations. They lived impoverished, barely making enough to get by while his wife's illness became worse. It was Texlar that realized the boy's true potential during a scouting expedition for his company, Texlar Corp.

The government had recommended hundreds and thousands of applicants from zone one, Aequor Domus and Caelum Domus, which Texlar had no issue with. But the philanthropic inventor wanted to see what untapped potential dwelled among the less fortunate classes of zone three. The government weren't too fond of this idea at the time, but Texlar was permitted to do so since he was also a renowned private investor. The aristocracy informed the altruistic scientist that he would only be wasting time and money attempting to seek intellectuals among the residence of zone three to which he responded, "Yet, you all make millions of dollars, while paying them little to nothing. This prove that they are capable of more than just making a profit for you. Therefore, even if I failed at finding intellectuals, it's evident that I would be guaranteed a conducive workforce at best."

They knew that with the resources Texlar had he could grant the people of zone three the equipment and education they needed to work and assimilate into a better social status in society. This would break the mould and disprove the pseudoscientific stereotypes that the elites perpetuated about the people of zone three considering them to be unintelligent, destructive savages. A canard promoted for all intensive purposes of justifying their poor treatment. Pooling his resources, Texlar concentrated reforming the people of zone three by dismantling the negative socioeconomic factors that the residence of zone three faced. This is how he met a young hardworking ironworker called Albert Kalinsky.

Under the guidance of Texlar corp. Albert Kalinsky advanced from an industrial steel worker, working for the Steel § Steel Company to becoming a renowned meteorologist who was well-known for his futuristic inventions of weather instruments. These experimentations then led him to believe that weather manipulation was possible through geoengineering. He began tackling the project by studying solar radiation and conducted projects usually to see how removing CO2 from the air or limiting the amount of sunlight reaching the planet's surface can effect the climate. The research started out with good intentions, but eventually his path would be redirected. At first his goal was to use the climate manipulation to reduce greenhouse gas emissions as a way to combat the impending effects of global warming.

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