The Northern Tower

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[ The Outlands :: North Africa to North Europe ]

General Alastar Pike and his army of eighty thousand men and military machinery travelled from the atlas mountains of Northern Africa, across the Mediterranean Sea using the Strait of Gibraltar until they arrived into the high plateau of Spain. Advancing through the mountainous regions of the Iberian Peninsula, the men continued their journey without intermission. A reconnaissance team consisting of two squadrons and six multi-rotor drones was ordered to travel ahead to carefully observe the region. The ruins of North Africa once consisted of overpopulated cities such as Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, and Lybia, which were the homes of millions of people. But after the Years of The Great Cataclysm these urbanized cities underwent massive desertification.

The Sahara had swiftly expanded swallowing Northern Africa, and various parts of the Sahel, leaving nothing but abandoned arid land covered in sand. Rain forests that were once lush green hills vibrant with vegetation, now consisted of mound-like dunes, withered barks and sand filled passages that once retained flowing bodies of water. Spain consisted of old dusty broken buildings that appeared so frail, that if a person simply leaned against them they would shatter into dust. The streets were wide and clear as the troops glided through on their hover platforms viewing the archaic transportation models that laid under the rubble. Back on the main helicarrier the military doctor disposed of Pike's old bandages, then wrapped his severed forearm in new bandages after thoroughly treating his wound. As Private Polyvoir arrived to the MTFs [Military Treatment Facilities] with the General's coffee. Pike thanked the physician for her service then commanded her to leave him and the private to have a discussion. Following the general's commands she packed up her medical equipments and left along with her medic-bots.

"General, IT made several attempts to contact the Northern Tower and The Dome but they're getting no response. It appears that our signals are jammed. All of our signals are currently offline which means the tower could be damaged or under attack. Should we return home?" Polyvoir asked.

"Haha, heavens no, private. Why would we return home when our orders were to rendezvous at The Northern Tower? We must follow through with our mission as instructed. If one part of the plan falls apart, that leaves room for failure."

"Yes, I understand, sir. But nobody is responding which could mean something bad has occurred. If we are not careful, we may be walking into a trap. If we returned to the dome and regrouped we can get better intel on what's going on and gather more troops."

"If something is wrong then that gives us even more of a reason to want to investigate it, right? We have enough troops and machinery. Don't tell me your afraid of some primitive Outlanders?"

"Uhm . . . No sir!" Polyvoir then directed his attention towards the General's severed forearm, "Sir, you do realize that you can easily just have that arm replaced with a mechanical one right?" Polyvoir pointed out.

He gave Polyvoir a serious stare causing the young private to quiver nervously retracting his comment, "Sorry general, that was a foolish comment that I made. Forgive me." he bowed.

Then the General burst out in a spontaneous laughter, "Haha, don't be so mousy Polyvoir. I thought I taught you better than that. Say what you mean and never go back on your word. Both of us are from Caelum Domus. Caelum Domus men are bold and upright! However, you are correct, with the technological advancements we've achieved in this era. I could easily have this arm replaced with some silly sci-fi robot arm."

"Then why don't you, General? It would be very convenient. Robotic prosthetic limbs are quite powerful especially when utilized by someone as militarily skilled as yourself. You would be God Tier!"

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