The Chrome Crusaders

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[ The Outlands :: Mount Shasta ]

[ The Neo-Knight Templars ]

Outside the dome, within the wintry mountains of North America. A loud beast cried out in agony emitting a shrewd shriek that echoed throughout the glacial valleys, alerting the other beasts that it was in danger. The giant horned beast then slithered away frantically. Too injured to fly and too weakened to fight. It attempted an escape by land but its efforts were in vain. Giant stones rose from the earth forming restraints around the beast's sharpened claws, pinning it to the ground. Its body shook wildly as it tried to break the restraints. Then an even larger set of stones rose from the dirt welding the body of the beast to the earth immobilizing it completely. Instantly a flashing light descended from the clouds electrocuting the beast to deliver the final blow. Suddenly six shadows appeared in front of the monster.

"Your struggle is futile, dragon!" one of the young knights exclaimed as they approached the beast. It was the Warriors of The Most High. The Neo-Knight Templars of the High Church of Elysium; Braille, Cyrill, Augustine, Origen, Ambrosia and Ephrem. They stood before the great horned beast with not one once of fear in their hearts. Upon their bodies they wore the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the footwear of preparation, the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the spirit/word of God. They were the protectors of the High Church of Elysium and the vanquishers of all which is evil.

"Any last words before you descend back into the burning pit from which you came, demon?" Augustine exclaimed.

But the large beast said nothing as it stared at the puny men with its pupils dilated.

"Speak now or forever hold your peace Ira, the great horned dragon of the fifth circle!" Origen shouted.

Still the beast continue to remain silent. Braille walked closer to the beast as Cyrill warned him to be careful.

"No worries Cyrill. I am shielded by the blood of the lamb. Dragon, Why do you travel within the proximity of the dome. You knew we would've attacked you. Our interest Is in protecting all who lives within the confines the of firmament."

"Your interest is in executing the immoral deeds of proud men. But I will have you know that pride comes before a great fall, young knights." the beast replied with a deep rich thunderous voice that shook the mountains.

"Our hands are clean! The work we do is for the glory of the Lord! The work you do is that of Lucifer!" Origen shouted.

"I carry out the duties that our mother has assigned me and she has declared war upon the parasites that you harbor." Ira the horned beast stated.

"Oh brother, which pagan mother goddesses is it now. Hera? Athena? Ma'at? Isis? Oya? Nüwa?" Ephrem scoffed.

"The Mother Earth, you cretin. Man is destroying her with your weapons of mass destruction, killing plants, animals, wiping out entire ecosystems. Without realizing that this will only lead to your extinction. You have no respect for what mother nature has created. All you bring is death, disease and destruction." Ira responded.

"Yeah, and all you pagans and druids do is sacrifice babies. You eat their flesh and drink their blood." Ephrem responded.

"I'm a vegetarian." Ira replied.

"Oh . . . didn't see that coming." Ephrem responded embarrassedly.

"Nevertheless, we come in the name of the father, son and the holy spirit. Mother earth is of his creation. If he chooses to destroy it then his will shall be done, and we as men should not question the will of the divine." Augustine exclaimed.

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