Premonition To Fruition

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Many months had passed as the people of Isonomia began to rebuild, cultivating the entire land of the Americas, not limiting themselves to the proximity of an enclosed firmament. This period was called the 'Reconstruction Era of Humanity' or 'Exordium' for short. The people's paranoia began to decrease day by day as they realized the air outside was now breathable and the waters were now clear and purified for consumption. They marveled at the sight of the earth's ability to heal, as they were all confined to a prison state. It felt as if everything had been renewed and mankind were now given another chance to inhabit the earth without polluting it.

The time spent within the dome deprived of their freedom and rights as human beings had made them appreciate the liberty to roam around freely once again. This gave the people an altered outlook on life. A brand new perspective on how to treat one another and how to help preserve the environment. It took no more than eighty days to unify the will of the people. Amaru and his allies spent forty days and forty nights traveling around the continent of America with the sole purpose of convincing the segregated states, communities, and autonomous zones of the importance of unifying and what was at steak if they had failed to do so.

Granted, nobody was coerced into becoming apart of this new federal republic. However, if an attack was waged against any isolated community outside of this federation, it would be fairly difficult to guarantee them safety due to lack of communication and organization. Which is why Amaru and his allies constantly stated this slogan as they campaigned, "Whichever group, people, organization, community, country, or class that can find some commonality in mutual interest of unification to organize and mobilize under one shared identity and interest. Will not be the group that is assured victory. But the group that has a higher chance of attaining victory, when compared to an unorganized and divided people. Reject tribalism and bigotry, establish solidarity and liberality, because united we are stronger!" This message did not fall upon dirt paths, rocky places or thorns, but upon good soil as apparent by the fruit it brought forth. For years the message of "National Unification" was as important as the gospel itself. People of all communities began to show up to each and every town meeting, community assembly, and rally. Almost every group of people on the continent became familiar with Amaru and The Alizarin Crimson Elk, and the work the organization had done to support the freedom of the people.

"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door! This country's greatness and true genius lies in its diversity." was another mantra that echoed from state to state capturing the attention of those seeking solidarity. In very little time, a new government was temporarily formed to bring order to this new society. This government was an elected council of leaders democratically chosen by the people to represent the interests of the citizens of Isonomia through a system of council democracy. This group of representatives formed a military to ensure the protection of the people from reactionary militias of the neocolonial forces. They redistributed the goods and resources among the people according to each of their needs. The average Isonomian was one who had faced years of subjugation and suppression of educational, social and financial advancement. Although many possessed trades and practical skills, they were not privy of how a society should be ran, nor were they well-read on economic and political theory. This populace was unlearned, but willing to be taught. They did not shy away from knowledge, nor were they stubborn and arrogant.

Their goal was to form a society stripped of unjustified hierarchies, that was free of oppressive social constructs. They demanded to be treated as respected human beings instead of interchangeable commodities. They wanted to establish a society that was based on merit and mutual aid that provided suitable living conditions, living wages, universal healthcare, universal suffrage, adequate and accessible education, freedom, liberty and democracy for all people regardless of gender, race, religion or class. No matter how big or small, short or tall, weak or strong, each and every citizen ensured that they played a significant part in the political system of the country to establish a society close to ideal.

The Eternal Glass Ceiling :: The Neo-Reconquistaजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें