The Family of Faith

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[ Terra Domus :: Zone One :: Elysium District ]

After hours of celebration. The knights went to the Elysian Fields to do some sparring. This lasted until the evening before they packed up and parted ways. Braille returned home to his family as he settled in for the day. He lived in a huge manor north of the Elysium District. His mother and father were devoted missionaries of the Sistine Chapel of Elysium. They took great pride in their faith, thanking the lord every day for each blessing they had received. They prayed a minimum of four times a day; early in the morning, in the afternoon, at night and before dinner. In their house were tons of religious imagery and statues. Above the fire place in the living room was a portrait of Cardinal Anselm. One of the noblest men of God to ever sit on the throne of the synagogue.

Saint Anselm was a very intellectual theologian, whom believed in the idea of a theocracy. He sought to uplift the minds of the Elysian people using teachings of theology, philosophy and spirituality. However, his faith in Lord did not cause him to exempt science and logic. He felt that these attributes were very important to assist man in furthering their knowledge of the supernatural. He used logic in his arguments to defend his Elysium faith. He spoke to scholars, scientists and many common people. He taught at schools, contributing knowledge to the youth of the future and secretly donated millions of dollars to institutions and foundations to help those less fortunate. He did not advocate the despicable treatment that the government expressed towards the working class of zone three through social injustice, segregation and systemic inequality.

The Pontiff was very outspoken about many political issues, also displaying his displeasure with the government, the private sector, the law enforcement, the self-righteous moderates and the military. Saint Anselm was one of those traditional intellectuals; those within the capitalist class that remained remote and independent in thought from the economic and political needs of the capitalist class despite their assimilation. He was not about to be just another cog in the machine, but that specific cog that shifted the paradigm of the existing system. He immediately made himself a target during Léopold Morgade's reign. Allegations had surfaced that he was found aiding the revolutionaries of The Crimson Elf. Although no evidence was ever found to confirm this, he was still declared a traitor of the state and excommunicated from the High Church of Elysium.

He met an untimely demise at the hands of fate. He died in his sleep on a gloomy night. The cause of his death was never released to the public. Leaving many to speculate all sorts of outlandish theories such as he was poisoned, he choked to death, some religious skeptics even speculated that he wrestled with a demon in his sleep and the demon had bested the good saint. Either way he would still go down in history as the most influential pontiff to ever serve The High Church of Elysium. His writings, influences and imagery, though considered taboo by some clerics and unconventional by a few theologians. It can never be detached for it has already been deeply embedded into the doctrine of Elysium.

Needless to say this success lead many to envy him, including Pontiff Benedict. Which sparked even more theories when Benedict quickly rose to power within the ranks of the high church immediately after his Saint Anselm's demise. Almost as if he was appointed there by the state to replace Saint Anselm and dismiss all of his previous teachings. Pontiff Benedict was the total opposite of Saint Anselm. He did not continue the charitable, selfless, humanitarian legacy that Saint Anselm advocated. He went along with the government by promoting that everything the government did was in the Will of God. He absolved them of their sins declaring them as servants of God's divine will.

Braille entered the house and his little brother ran over to greet him with a hug. Following behind him was the boy's mother who offered to take his bag and his sword but the boy politely declined stating.

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