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Yasuke, Princess Norinami and Tetra woke up at the sound of the alarm. Professor Kalinsky took a look at his surveillance monitors that was connected to each and every camera in the bunker and in The Helia Medical Research Center up above. Taking a look at each room he realized that the individuals were on the ground floor lobby of the bunker. "They're just standing there." K'amari said as she looked at the monitor. The Professor then replied that the two men standing in the middle of the lobby floor was Pontiff Benedict and MK Ultra. "Oh, your comrades." Fierro stated.

The professor placed on his weather control suit to disguise as Harper saying, "The Crimson Elk is my comrades. Those two are just acquaintances." He then commanded Yasuke, K'amari, Princess Norinami and Fierro to go and confront the two men as he, Ashoka and Amaru made their way to meet Morgade and the delegates. The group acted on his command, immediately drawing their weapons and exiting the office. Amaru and Ashoka approached the professor promptly. He pointed out the helicopters and predator-drones hovering above the research center on one of the monitors. On another monitor there were walking tanks, spyders and other military vehicles with rail guns and plasma canons lined up around the building.

The military forces swarmed the building breaking the glasses as they searched the laboratory. They arrested the scientists working up above and confiscated the professor's property, transferring them over to the state. The professor then squinted his eyes keenly staring at the bottom monitor. He could see the Neo-Knight Templars infiltrating the premises and lurking in the shadows. The Crimson Elks were surrounded from every angle. Amaru placed a tactical vest across his bust, then equipped himself with his macuahuitl and king tut's dagger, "I suppose this is it." he smiled. Ashoka held his sword and his staff replying, "With not a moment to spare."

The professor pressed a button on his suit then looked at the boys replying, "Listen Amaru, I just sent out the distress signal. An army of pro-autos will be here any second. I'm certain that our allies of the Outlands will surround the dome as well. But, we have to make leeway from the inside. IAM is an acronym for Intelligentsia Artificial Machine. This droid controls every technological attribution of the dome; organizing government databases, collecting metadata, digital encryptions, media broadcasting, electric power distribution, satellite signals, military drones and unmanned vehicles, and it possesses the authorization code to deactivating the plasma shield. If we can destroy IAM, the entire system will come crashing down, and once the barrier falls, our allied forces can penetrate through the interior, and the residence of zone three can finally be freed from the confines of the dome. You may not be able to see our strategy, but we have the enemy surrounded from the inside and the outside. The cage that they built to enslave us, will be used to entrap and surround them. In zone one are thousands of hostages that we can use as bargaining chips. The enemy is vulnerable. We have the majority, but we must utilize this method of mob rule in an effective manner."

The professor took up his helmet and placed it over his head. "A great civilization is not conquered from without until it has destroyed itself from within." Amaru quoted as he made it clear to the professor that he was well aware of his military blockade attrition warfare method. The mission of the units located within the stronghold or fortress, was to distract, destabilize and divert the armed forces of Terra Domus. Granting those located on the outside the time they needed to siege the dome. Then the trio walked out of the office. The professor and Ashoka headed in the other direction as Amaru went towards the ground floor lobby.

"Wait, Amaru where are you going?" Ashoka asked. Amaru replied that he was going to the battle, but The Professor reminded him that they had to go and meet Morgade. Professor Kalinsky stated that the army could handle the Pontiff and MK Ultra. If they wanted to make a major change, they needed to start at the very top of the social hierarchy. And at the top of that hierarchy sat Morgade and The Powers That Be. Amaru agreed with The Professor and followed in his direction instead.

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