The Neo-Grigori | The Watchers

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During the night of the rebellion. Capsules and escape shuttles flew across the Atlantic Ocean at immense velocity like shooting stars piercing through the clouds. The ruling class attempted to escape with their prized possessions, but barely got away with their lives. The chaotic riots, the horrid violence, the deafening explosions, the callous looting, the hazardous tear gas, and the angry mobs chanting vociferously left them panic-struck. The chickens had came home to roost. Their bodies quivered in fear as many of them fell victim to post-traumatic stress disorder like soldiers returning from an intense war. They never expected the revolution to show up at their door steps. They never expected an uprising to take place at all.

Their complacency and comfort had led them to neglect the struggles of the working class. They were willfully ignorant to the plight of those who that they exploited. The trust that they had placed in the system that gave them comfort had made them quite vulnerable and dependent. Now the tables had turned. The ruling class had not realize that just as the slave master requires a slave to assume such a title of dominance, the rich requires the poor to assist in the accumulation of their wealth. However, this was all a thing of the past now. The life of luxury they once lived in Terra Domus was no more. They had left it all behind along with their possessions that they had amassed, and a good portion of their sanity.

Nevertheless, they could rest their timorous minds and enjoy the soothing serenity of the flight to Aequor Domus. The sedative sounds of classical symphonies played throughout the shuttle as the ship glided through the midnight sky. A child aboard the ship looked around at all of the tired, wounded, saddened people. There spirits crushed to smoldering ashes, defeated and disgruntled. He was too young to comprehend why they had to abandon their beautiful home and all of his friendly neighbors at a moment's notice. His mind was in disarray. He looked over at a man sitting across from them, noticing the deep gory gash on the man's leg that bled out onto the floor creating a tiny puddle. He could see a portion of the man's bone ripping out of his flesh. That's when the young boy instantly began to have flashbacks of his father placing his mother and him on the shuttle before being attacked by the insurgents.

The shuttle was launched from their home, leaving his father to fight off the gang of men. The young boy was frightened. His hands began to tremble as tears flowed down his cheek. He tugged on his mother's dress questioning her to gain a better understanding of everything that had taken place. She snapped out of a shell-shocked state, addressing the boy's questions saying. "My Dear Ariaen. This is what happens when the one's who have been ordained by God to rule and maintain order loses their authority. Chaos ensues immediately. That's why it's important to sustain the social order that nature has bestowed upon us through evolution. The social hierarchy which places those that are inherently superior at the top, and those that are genetically inferior at the bottom. We must rule over the lesser barbaric species of our kind with an iron fist, or else the world will plunge into a violent irredeemable unholy chaotic state of degeneracy that will regress mankind back into a primitive state, rendering all of our progress and advancement futile." the mother explained as she wiped the tears from her son's face.

"But why would they burn down our home, mommy? What have we done to make them angry?" the young boy asked, still quite perplexed at the prospect of all which had befallen. The mother was extremely exhausted. Even still, she mustered up enough energy to explain to her son the contention that man constantly faces with the inherent nature of order and chaos. "My child, there are people in this world that seeks to destroy everything. Within them exists an insatiable fever of destruction. Even when they pretend as if they're building, it is only the starting point of destruction. When a new building is erected, two old ones are quietly overturned. They build cities, so that they may destroy the countryside. They destroy the ozone with car pollutants, factories and other emissions. Humanity is now dedicated to the task of universal destruction." she stated completely embracing a nihilistic perspective on the future. Once again the boy was unable to comprehend his mother's philosophical answers. He was in search of answers that were far less complex but his mother's mind was scattered. "B-But where's dad?" Ariaen asked. Suddenly the ship's emergency alarm sounded off, then with a quick thrust it jerked to the right, tossing the passengers around in the shuttle. The people aboard the ship regained their balance as they stood up and looked outside the windows at both sides of the ship.

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