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taeyong1e woooooo

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taeyong1e woooooo

tenlee_1001 woo?
suhjohs pretty!
woojung me!!!!!! i am woo
jaehyuuuns wooooooooooooo


taeyong smiled as he got off of the phone with the manager from the salon. he shook excitedly, before running downstairs, "i got the job!"


jaehyun: so?

taeyong: i got it!! :)

jaehyun: YOO awesome omg

jaehyun: happy for u !!

jaehyun: i literally already knew but WOOO

taeyong: LOL

jaehyun: i asked for the same hours, so we'll be able to get there together

jaehyun: i'll give you details tomorrow when i am not half asleep

taeyong: awesome

taeyong: thank u for this btw :D

jaehyun: no problemo

jaehyun: ur gonna have to find a way to pay me back though

taeyong: i will!!


taeyong1e taeyong employed era 😵‍💫

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taeyong1e taeyong employed era 😵‍💫

tenlee_1001 PROUD OF U BABY
suhjohs WOOO
jaehyuuuns :DDD

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