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a few weeks had passed, and after talking alot about living together, taeyong was slowly moving into jaehyun's house. it was alot easier, seeing as he still lived with his mom, and didnt have to take everything with him, but he was tired and stressed.

jaehyun had a guest bedroom, which taeyong would now be living in. lowkey enjoying decorating- which he'd never really admit- jaehyun had bought small decorations for taeyong, like plants and cool paintings he'd found in vintage stores.

but now, taeyong was laid on the couch, fast asleep.

jaehyun didnt want to bother him. he smiled, though, watching him for a moment as he stood in the doorway.

he knew teenage jaehyun would be so happy he was living with taeyong. his heart smiled, as he shut the door, so he could go to the kitchen and make food for the pair without making too much noise.


ten: housewarming party?

taeyong: its not a new house though

ten: and???

taeyong: if you wanna get drunk you could just drink

ten: LMFAO

taeyong: no but i agree we should yes

ten: how are you finding living with him then!! tell me the gossip!

taeyong: i literally havent moved in yet. i havent slept there yet, like, in my bed.

taeyong: but its fine!!

ten: argued yet?

taeyong: ... yes actually

ten: omfg

taeyong: it was a stupid lil disagreement tho

taeyong: we just stopped talking for a little bit and then it was okay👍

ten: sigh

ten: glad ur happy baby <3

taeyong: shut up


"you're awake?" jaehyun laughed, surprised as taeyong walked into the kitchen, still half asleep, dragging his feet across the floor, "you're not gonna get any sleep tonight, you know?"

"mhph," he mumbled, grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge, before placing a hand on jaehyun's shoulder, "i'm gonna go to bed early."

"i'm making dinner!"

"put some in a tub or something," taeyong smiled apologetically, "i'll eat it when i wake up at like- 3am- i'm sorry-"

jaehyun laughed, shaking his head, "it's okay, go sleep, you look horrendous."

"rude," taeyong huffed, too tired to think of a better comeback as he walked out of the room, "goodnight."


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