Chapter 13: Holy Maiden

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"Attention all passengers! We have encountered a sudden storm and ask that you please fasten your seat belts! We'll be landing shortly!" The pilot of the plane spoke as it flew into the sudden rain storm.

It had been raining like this for over six hours! And nobody knew why!

Weather specialists didn't pick up a single trace of it before it appeared. And now, it seemed like it would never end!

Kuoh and the entire area surrounding it for a hundred miles, had been thrown into a massive rainstorm.

Everyone aboard the plane hurried to their seats and fastened their seat belts.

One among them, was a blonde haired nun, no older than seventeen. Dressed in a typical black and white nun outfit. She had emerald green eyes, creamy skin and an innocent face that was to adoring to look away from.

'A storm? Right on top of my destination? Is this a sign? A sign that I should not have come?' She thought as she folded her hands and sank into the debts of her prayers.

"Oh, merciful Father of Heaven. I know not why you have guided me here. Nor what awaits me. But I ask only this; for me to be of use to your purpose." She prayed.

What this girl didn't know, was that her life was about to turn upside down.


Slowly regaining his consciousness, Issei began to move.

He felt something soft and highly comfortable on his face and decided to pull it closer.

'Ahhh. Whatever this is, it sure is comfy. So soft, and squishy. And so smooth too.' He thought as he clung to the object.

"Ahh!" He suddenly heard a feminine voice moan and immediately opened his eyes to a naked Kimiko laying next to him on what appears to be her bed upon the alter. Her body was intertwined with his, with his legs being held captive by her own. Her arms were stretched around his upper body, pulling him into her embrace.

Which brings us to his current predicament. He looked up to see exactly what it was he touched, and saw that his face was stuck in between het breasts. With her right boob resting firmly within his left hand.' God, if there was ever a time that I doubted your existence, forgive me.' He thought as he wished to shed tears of joy.

And who wouldn't?

He just woke up next to a goddess, whom, I may add, was cuddling with him but ass naked! And he was squeezing on her boobs!!

"Ah..Issei, you're awake. I thought you'd be unconscious for at least another three days. But it would seem that you have been out for a few hours." She stated as she looked down towards his face.

Issei immediately noticed a difference in her voice when she spoke. But when she looked down at him, his intuition was confirmed.

Her voice, upon hearing it, sounded more younger and laced with more innocence than before. Her voice also looked more youthful and her height seemed to have decreased by a few inches.

'Did she become even hotter than before!?' He thought. Because, she did indeed look more dashing now that she appeared to be in her late teens/early twenties.

She looked down at the hand which was firmly grasping her breast and followed it back to Issei, who was still in a trance due to her sudden transformation.

She smiled before she giggled and tapped him on the forehead." Naughty Issei. Not even fully conscious and already so determined to do naughty things. Well, if that is what you want then I guess I'll allow it." She spoke and placed her hand on the one that rested on her chest and squeezed it.

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