Chapter 31: The Winner Is...

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Akeno and Kiba looked on shocked at the man who stood before them.

Not long ago, they had to face a Cardinal Hero in battle, and lost severely. Now, they face the same circumstances, only this time, it is two on one instead of four on one!

"How long will you continue to gawk at me? Raise your weapons and face me! If you dare!" Motoyasu exclaimed as he pointed his spear at Kiba.

A second passed and Kiba still hesitated to do anything, so Motoyasu took the liberty to attack first!" Fine! If you won't attack, then I will!" His spear changed shape once more, looking more like a standard spear but with an aura of thunder surrounding it.

"Thunder spear!" He shouted his war cry and seemingly vanished with a clap of thunder. He appeared before Kiba, with his spear retracted. Making the spear transform into a three point spear, similar to a trident, before he called out its name.

"Meteorite spear!" He thruster his spear forward at a speed nearing that of a meteorite falling from the heavens!

It erupted with a blazing fire as it struck forth. Luckily, Kiba drew his Space-Time dual swords just in time to block the blunt of the spear's attack.

But it didn't stop there!

The spear exploded upon contact, similar to how a meteorite would as it struck the earth! The resulting explosion was devastating! The entire dimension shook for a moment as quakes and shockwaves spread throughout the area.

Kiba flew out of the explosion with partially destroyed armor and two cracked swords. He was about to slam into the ground when Akeno, clad in her thunder armor appeared and caught him.

Sadly, before she could place him down, she had to defend against a concentrated wind attack!

"Aerial Spear Strike!" Motoyasu shouted as a vacuum was shot from the tip of the spear. It was heading straight for Kiba when Akeno raised her palm and created a thunder barrier!

"Priestess of thunder, I advice you to move out of my way. I have no enmity with you, so I won't raise my spear against you.

But if you continue to get in my way I'll have to strike you down as well." Motoyasu spoke as he walked out of the smoke and dust that was clouding the sight of those who looked at the enormous crater where the gymnasium once stood.

Akeno sneered." Oh? And what enmity do you have with our knight? I'm sure the two of you never met, so why despise him so?" She asked. Mitoyasu rose a brow as his eyes narrowed at the knight in Akeno's hands.

He was slowly regaining his consciousness!

"That poor excuse of a knight attacked my fiance and stabbed her with his sword. I am obliged to avenge her and reclaim my lady's honour! So I'll ask you again, step aside." He spoke affirmatively.

Akeno shook her head." Sadly, I can not do that. He is my comrade after all. Only scum would abandon their friends in times of need!" She declared and flared her magical power.

Looking at Kiba, she took the vile of Phoenix tears and poured it out on his wounds." We'll have to work together if we wish to defeat him. Ready yourself, Kiba. This won't be an easy fight." She stated as she stared the Cardinal Hero down.

Kiba stood next to Akeno as he restored his damaged armor and swords. He was also staring down the man that nearly killed him in less than a minute. His eyes, brimming with fighting intent.

"Then let's do this."


Rias and Riser clashed high above the main school building. Rias was clad in her armor of destruction while Riser was shrouded in a cloak of Hell fire.

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