Chapter 30: An Unexpected Opponent!

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In the spectator's room, two individuals stared in awe at the performance of the Gremory peerage.

While watching Koneko's match, Sona couldn't help but be amazed.

"Her speed rivals that of a knight!" She exclaimed in shock when she saw how swiftly Koneko moved.

And when she revealed her new form, Sona was even more amazed. She looked at Issei surprised." You not only taught her your movement skill, but also helped her overcome her fear of her power!?" Sona inquired.

But Issei shook his head." I thought her my movement skill and some of my fist techniques, but I did not help her overcome her fear of senjutsu. In fact, what she just used wasn't regular senjutsu." He stated.

"Not regular senjutsu? Explain."

"It's quite simple. Senjutsu allows an individual to draw in natural energy and use that energy to amplify a person's strength by enhancing their spirit and body.

The problem is that when you enhance the body through natural energy, the body's consciousness, or rather, its instincts get amplified as well.

Depending upon the nature of your instincts, you could become a peaceful sage or a ruthless beast.

Koneko's species possesses strong animalistic instincts. Thus, when they use senjutsu, some of them actually loose control of themselves.

Koneko is in even greater danger of this happening since she is also a demon. And they, in turn, possess an intinct towards evil.

That's the reason why she is afraid of utilising her power." Issei explained.

"I understand all that, but it still doesn't explain what you meant." Sona replied.

Issei shook his head." I wasn't done. The purpose of senjutsu was to increase a person's aura, firstly, and grant the spirit the power to manifest itself secondly.

The part about increasing aura is what results in their instincts taking over. And that's not what she needed.

The only thing she needed was to be able to manifest her spirit in order to deal spiritual damage. That was the only way she could counteract the Phoenix regeneration.

So instead of having her draw in natural energy, I advised her to draw out her own spirit.

Using senjutsu in this manner allowed her to manifest her spirit and continue dealing spiritual damage without any risk of running rampant.

She can also draw out her own life energy. It results in a partial transformation which grants enhanced speed, strength and healing while keeping her instincts under control." He finished.

Sona nodded, finally understanding what she saw." It's unheard of for senjutsu to be used in such a manner. But it seems to have worked. Her prowess in battle is at a whole new level!

It's just a shame she got eliminated." Sona spoke with both admiration and sadness.

Tsubaki on the other hand was curious as to the techniques that Kiba used and asked Issei regarding them.

"Kiba's two swords, Space and Time are the by product of a challenge I issued him to complete.

During the time we spent training, I told him to become more creative with his ability to create any sword with any type of ability.

I would issue challenges that would require him to create different kinds of swords as the solution to the problems I'd present him.

In this particular instance I asked him to create swords that would maximise his movement speed to its fullest. And those swords were his answer." Issei replied.

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