eight: in vino veritas

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"In wine, there is truth

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"In wine, there is truth."


IN THE BRIGHT LIGHT that was being omitted from the centre, Elaina Hutton felt unsure. Who had opened these doors for them? An even bigger question plagued her mind; why?"

"Come on!" Rick said, gesturing everyone towards the door. "Let's go!"

Elaina looked up at Wayne, who was holding Elaina's hand, and heading in. Montana looked hesitant, but followed anyway. The rest of the group followed promptly without a second thought. Once they were inside, Daryl and Shane closed down the shutters.

"Hello?" Rick shouted.

Montana looked around, her eyes on the centre like a hawk. Elaina felt strange, like she'd just been thrown into another dimension. She recognised this hall and how, just a little while ago, it had been filled with scientists in lab coats and children in masks.

"Anybody infected?" A voice asked.

Elaina recognised the voice, but she couldn't link it to a human just yet.

"One of our group was, but he didn't make it," Rick stated truthfully.

"Why are you here and what do you want?" The voice asked.

"We want a chance."

Elaina stood like a statue, watching as a man came into the light. He walked out slowly, aiming his gun at the group. The more he walked forward, the more he revealed of himself. Until, finally, he was a full figure.

A figure Elaina had met once before.

Dr Edmund Jenner.

Elaina's eyes opened up in shock. Had he been here all this time? Since the beginning of the outbreak? Elaina felt Wayne's hand on her arm, almost holding her back, but she wanted to step forward. She wanted to ask him questions.

"Dr Jenner?" Elaina said, her voice soft and petrified. The words Wayne said to her just the other day wavered in her mind; we are wary of people because we don't know how this world has changed them.

Dr Jenner stared at Elaina like she was a ghost. The rest of the group all looked at Elaina, who was normally so frightened, with disbelief and shock.

"That's asking an awful lot these days," Dr Jenner said to Rick, his eyes still hovering over Elaina's.

Rick nodded. "I know."

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