thirty: human whispers

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"We aren't here to make friends

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"We aren't here to make friends."


WAYNE AND ELAINA made their way through the thick leaves of the forest, swatting away any branches that came close to their face. Elaina stayed closed to Wayne, holding her bow close to her at all times.

Eight months of scavenging, living in different homes, and hunting had taught Elaina several things; never let your guard down in the open areas, always have your partner's back, and expect the unexpected. Wayne had done the same for Elaina. It was only fair that she did the same for him.

Elaina put her hand in front of Wayne, indicating that she had found something. In the distance, a group of birds were sitting on a tree. Feeling her stomach rumble with hunger, Elaina grabbed her bow and arrow, pulled her bow back, took a deep breath, and let go. Wayne smiled at Elaina as he watched two birds fall down, pierced by only one arrow.

"Quick, grab them," Wayne said, pointing to the birds. "I'm watching, don't worry."

Elaina nodded, making her way silently over to the other side of the forest. As she bent down to pick the birds up, she couldn't help but notice a large section of bark had been ripped off the tree. It was also hard to miss the crimson red blood swatched on the tree.

"Fresh blood and missing bark," Elaina said to herself while lifting up the birds. "Wayne?"

Wayne made his way over to Elaina, standing closely to her. "You okay?"

"I am, but this person isn't," Elaina said, pointing to the tree. "Nasty gash. Used the sap to treat it."

"Not stupid," Wayne said, looking around the forest. "Could be near, Elaina. Let's get off the main path."

Elaina nodded, following Wayne.

"Stay close to the lake. Will eventually bring us back to the little bungalow we are staying in," Wayne stated, holding his rifle.

Wayne and Elaina silently made their way through the forest, watching for any oncoming walkers. There had been lots of surprise attacks in other forests like these. Elaina recalled one from two weeks ago, where a walker came out from a bush. Wayne had been the one to stab it swiftly in the head as soon as it appeared. It was like he was always watching. Or, more than likely, he was just always on edge.

"Elaina," Wayne whispered, calling her over to another tree. "Look. This person has left another mark, and the blood is fresher."

"They're travelling in this direction," Elaina stated. "Should we go looking for them?"

"I don't know, Elaina. They could be part of a group. They could attack us or anything. There's only two of us."

"Or they could be on their own," Elaina reasoned. "They knew how to use sap on their wound. They are smart. They could help us scavenge. Be another pair of eyes. Your decision though, Wayne. You're right. They could be dangerous."

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