fifteen: where the sun meets the soil

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"I cannot fall for potential

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"I cannot fall for potential."


ELAINA HAD SPENT the last hour ravaging through every boot on the Highway, looking for paint. It had been the group's idea to write a message for Sophia on the back of an old Chevy truck. The idea of paint reminded her of her old fifth grade class, where her teacher has asked her to smother her hand in paint and stick it on a page. She remembered bringing the painting home that day to Luke, who compared her tiny hand to his. She felt like the memory had been stolen from her; ripped away by the world that had promised chaos the day it had appeared.

"Find it okay?" Montana asked, standing closely to Elaina.

"Yeah, thank you," she said. "Surprised I found any."

"You don't normally find people who keep paint in their boot," Montana said, smiling slightly.

Elaina nodded, carrying the three little paint cans in her hand. She had to admit, it felt awkward having a conversation with Montana now. She felt displaced, almost uncertain of where their interactions would go. Now their words were tangled up around their tongues.

"Lainy, please wait," Montana asked.

Lainy. It was rare Montana ever called Elaina by that nickname. She had only really seen it written down on a card from Montana on her birthday, or in a scribbly little letter that reminded Elaina to do something.

Elaina turned around and paused. Montana almost looked vulnerable in the afternoon sunshine. The sun, beating down her back, revealing the dirt on her face and the hurt in her eyes. It was a new dawn, maybe. Had it came early?

"We will look high and low for Sophia," Montana stated. "We know she was your friend."

Elaina nodded. "She was Carol's daughter before she was my friend."

Montana nodded, her brown eyes like fragmented honey in the sun. "She was."

Elaina paused, as if she sensed Montana had something else to say.

"I know you probably think that I don't really want to be part of this group, but I do," Montana admitted. "I questioned Jenner in the CDC, Elaina. You have to believe me."

"Do you want to be part of this group?" Elaina questioned. "I've watched you. You don't even make an effort half the time. You're just concerned with Wayne and me and the only reason you're helping Sophia is because she is my friend."

"It was just you, Wayne, and me for so long," Montana replied. "Of course I care about you two most, but that doesn't mean I don't care about the others at all."

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