thirty - two: where the bar lies

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"To them, survival was more important than loyalty

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"To them, survival was more important than loyalty."


ELAINA CAREFULLY TENDED TO Ameena's wound once they were back at the cottage. Making sure it was clean, she took the bottle of aloe vera that was sitting in her bag, and began to squeeze the cold green liquid from the bottle. Ameena winced at the feeling of it on her skin, but after a few moments, she got used to it. Elaina rubbed it in carefully, making sure no excess liquid got on the wound.

"Thank you," Ameena said softly. "Good thinking with the aloe vera."

"Trick that my sister taught me," Elaina replied, beginning to wrap a bandage around the gash.

"She sounds smart," Ameena replied.

"She was," Elaina nodded, finally at the end of the bandage. "You need to make sure you are keeping this clean everyday. Check it everyday. Once you see it start to heal, check on it every couple of days. Take these antibiotics."

"Okay, thanks," Ameena said, taking the packet.

"It will probably heal slower if you aren't getting the right nutrients from foods," Elaina stated. "Just try and drink lots. I don't think you'll die or anything."

"I hope not. I don't know what I would look like as a walker, and I don't like the idea of it."

Elaina sufficed a smile. "Is that your only motivation to survive?"

"Oh yes," Ameena nodded. "How can I tend to my hair if I am a walker?"

Elaina smiled once more, standing up from the kneeling position she was in. "Maybe your friend could start a beauty contest for walkers?"

Ameena chuckled, the sound rang in Elaina's ears. "Don't give her any ideas."

"Elaina?" A voice said from the door. She turned around to see Wayne standing sternly in the archway. His arms were folded, and he was staring directly into her eyes. Elaina's smile dropped off her face the moment Wayne walked into the room.

"The wound clean?" He asked.

"Yeah," Elaina nodded. "It is."

"Okay," he said, flicking his eyes to Ameena. "You can stay here for the rest of the day, so your leg can have a better rest, but you will have to find your own shelter afterwards. There's a few within the area, smaller houses. We will give you your weapons back, and then you can be on your way."


"That was the deal, Elaina," Wayne stated. "You wanted me to give them a chance and I did. We don't travel in big groups anymore. Too risky."

"That's okay," Ameena said politely. "Thanks for your help anyway."

Wayne nodded, before heading out of the room. Robin soon made her way back in, carrying two flasks of water. She sighed deeply, setting them down on the small table that was beside the window. Elaina stepped back, letting her hand hover over her knife.

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