sixteen: old leather book bindings

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"To be a kid in this world was like being a rose amidst weeds

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"To be a kid in this world was like being a rose amidst weeds. Eventually, the rose succumbed to decay and was born again as a thistle."


THE WALK TO THE Greene Family Farm was a quiet one, filled with passing looks and apprehension. Elaina found herself walking beside Montana today, observing the quiet surroundings of nature, which had luckily not succumbed to the decay of the world.

Elaina thought about the people who were waiting at the farm. Were they good people? What made a good person nowadays? Elaina thought of Sophia in the moment. Her goodness had been the reason Elaina had been drawn to her. What if none of these people had that?

The lingering memory of Sophia remained firmly at the front of Elaina's mind. Had the world planned this? Did it always want to stop Elaina from getting too close to anyone? Elaina looked to Montana, who was walking with a determined look on her face. How often did she worry about this sort of thing?

Even though she had a group of people around her, Elaina felt like the loneliest little girl in the world. Here they were, walking to a farm where Carl Grimes lay injured in an unknown bed under an unknown roof. Elaina had wished for Sophia to be beside her, talking to her about the clouds or the stars and how they often told stories. Elaina looked up to the sky to look for a sign, but the sky had clouded over.

"Are you worried?" Elaina heard Wayne ask her.

Elaina turned to Wayne, who was walking on the left side of her. "Are you?"

"Worried about you," Wayne admitted. "I know it's scary, all of this, Laina, but maybe something good will come out if it."

"I hope," Elaina admitted.

Wayne smiled at Elaina, which only made Elaina feel worse.



"You don't need to worry about me," Elaina said. "When I learn to use my bow properly, I will be fine."

Wayne raised his eyebrows. "So you want to learn properly, then?"

Elaina nodded. "I do. It's a start, I guess. I'm tired of hiding behind people. Hiding did nothing. Especially for Sophia."

"You can come on searches," Montana said, adding to the conversation. "If you know how to shoot, you can help look for Sophia."

Wayne gave Montana a reproachful look. "She's twelve. We will let her learn to shoot first."

"I've got a point, have I not?" Montana said, nodding. "Would be good for Elaina to get some experience."

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