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I walked down to the archives.

I wondered why Mr. Moore needed me so fast.

I looked inside he see the lights turned off.

"Uhh hell-" I started.

"SURPRISE!!!!" Several voices screamed before the light switched on.

I practically jumped out of the universe.

I looked up and saw everyone in party hats with a massive slab cake on the table with 29 candles.

Lawrence helped me up.

"You guys remembered?" I asked.

"Yeah! It might be a little early but here it is!" Said Dr. Collingwood.

Again, could this day get any better?

Tears rolled down my cheeks.

"Group hug!" Shouted Gustav.

Everyone gathered around me and hugged tight.

Dr. Buck walked in and saw what was happening.

Dr. Collingwood put a party hat on her head.

She sighed.

Me and her looked into each other's eyes for a good 10 seconds.

"Uhh are you two okay?" Asked Gustav.

I looked at him and then back at Dr. Buck.

"Should we tell them?" I asked.

"Not yet" she said.

"Tell us what?" Asked Carson.

"Oh nothing" I said.

"Well, who's gonna cut the cake?" Asked Dr. Collingwood.

Heart of ice. Dr. Buck x Male OC.Where stories live. Discover now