escaping. (short)

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The guards escorted us to see the site director of area 32.

They showed us to a door and prompted us to go inside.

I opened it and we all stepped inside.

The roof was a massive circular skylight with a beautiful view of earth.

There was a man sitting at a desk wearing a black suit.

The door closed behind us.

"Hello, you are the guests from site 19?" He asked.

"Yeah. Your all clear signal stopped. And we are also stranded here" said Molly.

"How unfortunate, we have some spare shuttles left. You all can have one. But it would be very cramped" he said.

"I know that Amelia and Y/N would love being squashed together like that. They always do it in bed" said Carson.

"Shut up!" Said lawrence.

"Where is the shuttle at? None of us are familiar with the lunar sites" I asked.

"It's in the shuttlebay. One of the guards will be willing to guide you there." He said.

A guard later walked us to the massive shuttlebay where a couple logistic Dept personnel helped us with the huge metal door.

They pressed a button on a console and an alarm went off.

The sound was totally stolen from a star trek. It sounds like the guys who built this place had culture.

The door opened to reveal the lunar surface, shielded by a blue forcefield keeping the oxygen inside the shuttlebay.

We climbed into one of the tiny shuttles and began piloting it out after thanking the personnel again for their help.

We piloted the shuttle out of the bay and watched the doors close behind us.

We headed back to earth.

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