An alternive timeline of the election

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Owen looked around him and saw everyone surrounding him, "what's going on?" He asked "The levers been pulled Owen we need guidance" said Mowhee.

"What?" Asked Owen confused as he exited his house after Squidney Apo and Rasbi sprinted into the maze he went to his home to get away from all the noise.

"His saying we're having an election and you've been proposed to run by almost everyone here" said Graecie "What.......?" Asked Owen "Owen your probably the only one here that would be able to handle this" said Spidey.

"We may of just lost Squidney there is no better time for a sense of order" Said Oeca that shocked Owen to his core "And that's coming from Oeca" said Ori.

"Alright lemme just get my bearings together anyone running against me?" Asked Owen " Yes" Said Apo "Look I'm just running so there's more then one party" said Apo.

"That's a stupid reason to run but ok" said Owen as they both made there way to Graecies stage.


"I can promise you anything other then a small stone of hope from the mountain of despair that we live in

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"I can promise you anything other then a small stone of hope from the mountain of despair that we live in. Another way to put it is our life is a garden Death is the gardener, let me ask you a question what flowers do you pick in the field? If your answer is the 'best' ones then you are further proving the point of the garden. I have nothing but hope and personally I have no idea what anyone saw in me to norminate me" said Owen.



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