Owen but if he didn't kill the demons in the clearing

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Owen was going to kill Apo but decided against it before saying sorry and warning him the first animal he found would be killed.

They found a chicken on there way back to the clearing and like Owen said he killed it, then his orange eyes faded back to his normal brown.

Sure he remembered everything but he was calm now, it would all be fine.

They were met at the door by Magic and Rasbi waiting for them "APO!" Exclaimed Rasbi running to him and giving him a hug.

Owen sighed "Magic, inform the others we need to have a meeting" said Owen. Magic stared at him before nodding and headed off to that.

*later everyone is there but ori*

The outsiders sat around a meeting Apo had brang random animals "What's with the animals?" Asked Soup "that's just in case Owen goes uhhh Oran" said Apo. "

"We're calling my lust for blood Oran now?" Asked Owen to which Apo nodded to. "Fair enough" said Owen, sighing.

"Anyways it's best for your own safety if I tell you this sure, some of you can hold your own. However you don't know a thing about my past, I do it's going to stay that way for now." Began Owen "What's that got to do with anything?" Asked Krow as it stared at him "Look if my eyes go orange avoid me until I kill something or I might end up killing you it'll stay like this until I can control Oran" said Owen.

Most of the outsiders nodded and left to do there own things Owen sighed as he went off to go find Magic.

"Hey Magic?" Asked Owen "Yeah Owen?" Asked Magic Ori stared at the two confused "can you take puddy until I can control Oran" asked Owen to which Magic nodded.

Owen's eyes then turned Orange and he caught a knife Anyel and Magic stared at him before there eye's gazed to the roof of the maze to see a stunned watcher.

"You know I'd really like to kill something right now you'll have to do" said Owen throwing the knife back without looking. "Anyways thanks Magic" said Owen as his eyes went back to normal.

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