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Krow sighed as it wondered around looking down the elevator shaft and saw Owen & Rasbi. "Owen? Rasbi? Does Owen have a knife? Are they dying down there?" It asked.

It took a deep breath in before screeching "OWEN MAGIC CALLED YOU OLD!" To which it got no response. "Weird that usually works" It stated to itself.

It heard someone walk up behind it "where am I going to find rope? Hmmm?" It asked as it turned around to see Magic. "I have rope in my backpack why?" Asked Magic.

Krow stared at her "first of all give it to me second of all when did you get here?" Stated Krow Magic shrugged and tossed it some rope.

Krow then went down to see Owen still breathing barely and Rasbi dead.

"Shit!" It barely screamed as It picked the elder up and swung him other it's shoulders to which the elder was blinking. "Huh what?" Asked The elder.

Krow tossed Owen down next to Magic "Magic get soup I'm going down for Rasbi" Stated Krow as it slid down the rope "huh what alright!" Said Magic as she ran off in a panic.

Owen sighed "....Maybe the puppet was right?" Asked Owen sighing as Rasbi was tossed next to him the spike laying on her chest. Owen softly placed the knife in his hand on her chest sideways to prevent it from cutting her.

"Krow helped me, demons don't do that unless that puppet was right maybe it's time to let him out" said Owen.

"Ehdjfjsijdiddm, Where am I? I could've sworn I just saw Apo, Rasbi? Oh god Rasbi are you ok?" Asked Owen confused as can be as Krow pulled itself up.

"She's not ok owen she has no pulse, what do you mean the last thing you remember is seeing Apo without horns and then just a void?" Asked Krow.

"I'm sorry I have no idea"

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