Whats this good question idk

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"Hey Owen?" Asked Magic bursting into his room. Owen titled his head in confusion at the sudden action "Yeah kid?" Asked Owen quickly hiding the bloody pike behind him.

"Stop calling me a kid and also I remembered something about my past" Said Magic Owen nodded how do you keep up fake personas?
Well Owen certainly couldn't tell you.

"Also Owen I know who you are, You killed demons for a living hell we killed both humans and demons Owen" said Magic Owen was astonished someone else remembered?

"Well why are you here surely like the pathetic puppet you've changed" Owen hissed Magic shook her head "I haven't now who are we starting with?" Asked Magic.

Owen chuckled "Well why not your good old friend krow?" Asked Owen with a smirk.
Owen felt himself wake up in a void and looked around to see Magic. "No no no" he whispered to himself.

Darn it he couldn't stop his own past let alone two psychopathic maniacs who only cared for eachother, well and the past version of Graecie.

But that version was gone even if she remembered which her comaized state probably wouldn't let her.

So he guessed this was it that was the clearings fate to die at there hands unless, but could he really have the strength, the aura to use it?

Well now was as good a time as any to find out....

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