Shit, its legal to say that word in this fandom right?, Post

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The title was a joke. Also this takes place in the au where Owen just needs to kill animals now but most of the time he can control it.

"We all our emotional support mass murderer" said Magic Bekymon Soup Krow Ori and Spidey all just looked at her confused. "And this is mine" said Magic pointing at Owen who was just asleep leaning against a tree letting out a simple "huh?" sound.

"Yeah he killed people," went on Magic causing Ori to just glance between the two repeatedly "but isn't he our leader like some kind of hero?" Whispered Ori "Where did you get hero from?" Ushed back Owen "I don't know anymore" whispered back Kyle.

"He would hug me when I was sad" concluded Magic the other outsiders just stared at each other confused even Owen looked at her confused briefly.

"..." Oran paused before throwing a javelin at some random chicken "well anyone hungry?" Asked Owen picking up the dead chicken and taking it to the campfire.

"...........OWEN WHAT THE FUCK!?" Asked Ori

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