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"So there's a traitor in our ranks!" Graecie began explaining why she had gathered them all there "Do there ends justify the means?" Asked Anyel cutting straight to the chase. "What's good and evil anyway?" Asked Kyle staring Krow down as it stared back "Maybe a villains what we need!" Shot Ori "you either die one of the gladers or become there worse enemy!" Said Krow as it chuckled "it takes a traitor to know a traitor" Bek added to the conversation "and the traitor" Went Graecie before being cut off by the maze blaring a loud siren"and the traitor..." she went on again but was cut off by someone chuckling darkly "is me"...

Also credit to that other song I found on TikTok I like but I also don't know where that came from so yeah.
—Faded the sideways kit Kat enjoyer

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