Power rangers au???

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Ori, Rasbi and Reddons where running on the roof fighting some strange creatures or that's what they would be to the eye of an outsider. To them they where just simple black creatures made of stone they called them:Flareders.

"It's morphing time" said Ori "Fuck you I'll morph whenever the hell i want" said Reddons Rasbi sighed as they all pulled out there morphers.

"Rise up Blue Angel Ha!" Said Ori as strange armour appeared around him and he posed.

"Threw the flames black ranger" said Rasbi as the same strange armour just instead of blue it was black formed around her and she also posed.

"Ready for some moron action HA!" Said Reddons as like before red armour formed around him as he posed.

"Outsider rangers ready for battle" said Ori as they charged against the monsters and started fighting them. As More seem to have been summoned "Looks like the dark mage is summoning more of them should we call in for backup?" Asked Reddons kicking one of the creatures in the face.

"Yeah get Graecie and Oeca down here now" said Ori barely managing to duck under a swing from one of the creatures "Got it" said Rasbi pulling out her morpher.

Threw the darkest times
All 6 of the main members morphing at once
This world goes to hell
Graecie running up to soup and bek as they teleport away from Graecie
But there must be a force
Apo staring at a burning building
To protect everyone
Ori And Reddons jumping off a rooftop
From the darkest
Bek and Soup laughing inside the dark clearing
Of the darkness
1000s apon 1000s of flareders all staring at the rangers
We must all
Apo going to punch Ori
Rise together
Two morphers burried in the sand
For we may be the outsiders
An Aqua and An Green ranger posing
But we are the final hope
All the rangers pose together

Graecie and Oeca jumped down from behind a building "Did somebody call the monarchy? Because we don't have that whatsoever but we got the knives I finished making" said Oeca throwing them each but Graecie as she already had hers knives with the handles there respective colours.

"Thanks" said Ori as he took out another one "there getting the slip!" Exclaimed Reddons "On it" said Graecie as she rushed after Bek and soup.

"Soup get us out of here now" Said Bek Soup nodded and teleported them away as Graecie finally caught up to them. "GOD DAM IT!" Yelled Graecie as she turned and ran back to where everyone else was.

"We need to finish this now!" Exclaimed Ori "Right!" Yelled Reddons as they finally managed to take out all of the flareders "That's the last of them!" Said Rasbi as Graecie finally made it back.

"They teleported there getting stronger!" Exclaimed Graecie "ah well shit" said Reddons "You don't say" Said Ori sighing.


Apo stood atop a tree looking at a burning building and sighing "well now I've officially lost everyone and almost everything but some cloths and whatever the heck this weird device is" said Apo sighing.

Just then he saw An blue & lime blur "What the?" He asked as they rushed into the building "There's nobody in here!" He heard someone say as they jumped out the building as it exploded more.

"Alright then just me & a strange device against this corrupt world hurray" said Apo as he ran off into the woods while the lime and blue blurs meet up.

"Graecie do you feel that?" Asked Ori "The engery of another morphing device?" Asked Graecie "Yeah it's coming from deep within the woods" said Ori "then let's waste no time let the team know I'll go after it" said Graecie "Alright you do remember we stuck at team work right?" Asked Ori "yeah but if there's a possible new member they need to know" said Graecie Ori nodded as they both ran In different directions.


"We need to up our game" Said Bek "Yes I'm aware but how?" Asked Soup "You are the darkest mage correct?" Asked Bek "Yes that would be me boss" Said Soup.

"Make me a dark monster" said Bek "I'll try boss but I don't know if I have another dark engery to muster a powerful one" said Soup "they don't need to be powerful not yet anyway just strong enough to slow the rangers down for a bit" said Bek. "That I can definitely do" said Soup as she shot a random object (in this case a jar of jelly) as it glowed a bright shade of black.

"What's up yo yo I'm ready to fight yo yo" said a monster it was a massive grey Jelly blob "We need you to slow down some rangers" Said Bek "I'm on it yo yo what happened to the dark lord again yo yo?" Asked the grey jelly blob. "Well David the last time the dark lord was seen to anyone that wasn't bek was with the old generation of rangers they managed to defeat him only those capable of seeing souls most of them defeated but Bek here is also able to which is why she's temporarily in charge to pass on the orders" said Soup
"Well then time to kick some ranger butt what's the mission?" Asked David.

"We need more dark engery to restore our army and to get a shot of bringing the dark lord back so the mission is we go to the central plaza a place where some dark engery is but you and the henchmen go to a random park and cause chaos that'll distract the rangers" said Bek "Alright I won't let you down" said David.


Graecie finally arrived to where Apo was standing against a tree "Hello there I've noticed you've been following me" said Apo pulling out the device.

"It's got to do with this doesn't it?" Asked Apo "It does...and the fact that we need your help" said Graecie "Help with what?" Asked Apo "Saving the world" said Graecie.

"What?" Asked Apo looking at her with a dead look in his eyes "Fucking explain right now" said Apo "Alright well let's start from the beginning now shall we?, Anyways many years ago an evil was formed they called them the dark lord. They where not evil to begin with battling a threatening force but eventually the force took over there body, That's when the first generation of power rangers was born The final hope as they called themselves in fact I was part of that team, Our unablity to work together is what got everyone else killed even the team I've slowly been assembling does not know how to work together I fear we're bound to face the same fate but I'm willing to put that fear behind me for the greater good now Apo, that device has chosen you you are destined to be a ranger weather you like it or not. Now Apo will you join me?" Asked Graecie Apo looked at him "I know your name because of the device now will you join me?" Asked Graecie extending her hand "I'll join you, it gives me a purpose it allows me to get what I've wanted for awhile now" said Apo shaking Graecies hand "and this?" Asked Graecie "I want revenge" said Apo chuckling.

Soon enough the other members of the team rushed up to them "Umm guys we've got 3 different dark engery singles" said Ori they all looked at him "Oeca Reddons you two are going to space, Apo Rasbi you guys go to the park and Me and Graecie will go to the central plaza" said Ori

"Alright then" said Apo "Wait how do I morph?" Rasbi chuckled "you can't morph on force the first time the first time the device decides when you morph then you can morph Willy nilly with the press of a button" explained Ori Apo nodded as everyone rushed off.

~~~~~~~~~~~~AT THE PARK~~~~~~~~~~~~

Apo and Rasbi rushed up to it "It's a slime with weirdo creatures? Lemme guess it's name is bob?" Asked Apo "Idk" said A fully morphed Rasbi "and those are called Flareders by the way"

The slime looked annoyed "MY NAME IS DAVID!" The slime screamed as it turnt red and green 17 inches which would probably be hard to tell.

"Alright bring it on" said Apo ready for a fight "GET THEM FLAREDERS!" Exclaimed David as the monsters rushed at them

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