Super power au

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quick A/n this is just the characters and there powers.
Not everybody has powers this is about the freak accident that gave them powers.
Soup: Witch craft

Magic: Magic and ghost like powers (along with being able to grow flowers from her hands)

Mowhee:Being able to breathe underwater
Squidney:Being able to breathe underwater


Ash:time multialtion

Graecie:the ability to heal the living with a meal (yes straight out of enchanto)

Rasbi:Shape shifting


Magic and Graecie where talking affront the gate it was nearly morning and like usual Owen came out of his house and walked up to the gate thingy and sat down.

"Hey Graecie can we go up and talk to Owen?" Asked Magic Graecie nodded as the two climbed up to see Owen reading a book.

"Hey Owen" said Magic "Hello" said Graecie he waved as he got up and stared into the Maze and sighed ".....I hear something calling to me I don't know" he said sighing.

"Well we're not going in there are we?" Asked Graecie shuddering at the thought, Owen looked at her "No we're not I am" said Owen sighing.

"Please let us come with you" said Magic "It'd be to dangerous" he said Sighing as Rasbi Squidney Mowhee Anyel and Krow approached them.

"Owen I can handle myself" said Magic Owen nodded "Yes, you can but it's not this Maze I'm going into" said Owen with a sigh they all looked at him "which one is it then?" Asked Magic.

"The dark maze" he said simply as he got up "I'm going tomorrow so I guess I'll spend probably my final day with you lot"  said Owen looking her dead in the eyes.

"Fine but you better make it the funk out" said Magic Own nodded "I can try" said Owen "Funk you were going to!" Said Mowhee "Going in alone is suicide" stated Anyel looking at him.

"We only barely got out last time" Squidney pointed out Owen sighed and nodded "If you wish to come with me you may but I recommend against it" said Owen.

Everybody nodded and started preparing for the next Day all but one of them Owen who was already ready he simply sighed as he sat down at the campfire.

————————THAT NIGHT————————

They where all sitting around a campfire knowing that when morning come there would probably be at least a single loss.

".....I got you all these for coming with me" said Owen sighing and handing out necklaces each with a rock that resembled there colour they all looked at each other before heading to the entrance to the dark Maze.

"..." He sighed as he stared at them and the doors opened they all rushed in following Owen who seemed to know where he was going confusing them until they entered a seemingly massive room with something or someone in the middle.

"...So you've finally arrived" the person said looking at them with a smirk "Now let's put your ability's to the test shall we?" He asked throwing arrows at them Owen knocked them all down away from the arrows.

"How noble, an idiotic move" said The person "Who are you?" Asked Owen sighing "I suppose one of you may know me as Aish" said Aish.

"Now prepare to die" said Aish trying to punch Owen but he blocked it with his Own hand "Funny I was going to to say the same to you" said Owen but his voice was dark.

His eyes where glowing Orange everyone else was confused as there necklaces seemed to glow and the stones deattached surrounding Owen.

"NO HOW!" Screamed Aish looking at Owen "I can not allow you and those rocks to unlock there ability's!" Screamed Aish trying to kick Owen who dodged by jumping up.

Owen simply chuckled at him as eyes starting flashing colours ".............Petty as always huh Aish?" Asked Owen Aish responded by glaring at him.

"You always were there favourite Owen" Said Aish trying to get the upper hand with an uppercut but Owen dodged it quite easily.

"Tick tock Aish" said Owen with a smirk as he started swinging at Owen rapidly but he repeatedly dodged over and over it was pretty easy.


Aish stared at him once more and he would of lost the battle "AWAKEN!" Aish sighed as the stones returned to there necklaces and everybody but Owen passed out.

"ㄒ乇ㄥ乇尸ㄖ尺ㄒㄖ ㄒㄖ ムㄥ卂ᗪㄖ"

Owen appeared in the clearing with everybody around him slowly waking up confused "Owen what the hell was that?" Asked Magic Owen shrugged

I don't even know

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