11. Empty Wallets

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Regardless of everything that happened leading up to right now, the concert was going amazing.

Paige was in front of the barricade in my section, where she belongs. She looks like she's trying her best to be happy and have fun, but I know its hard for her after all she's been through emotionally these past two days.

A part of me feels that if it weren't for her job she wouldn't be here right now. She's given us, me specifically, too many chances and I feel like I've been blowing it every time.

With Luke leading, the fans dance and sing the lyrics of Empty Wallets back to us. Vanessa stands in front of him for the majority of the show and I'm sure the two are excited to actually get the full concert experience instead of her being pulled away without getting to congratulate her boyfriend first.

That part was also my fault.

The rest of the concert was a blur, as every one tends to be. That's the great part about performing live. You get this rush of adrenaline that blinds your mind from reality and its just you and the music.

"Amazing as always," Paige wraps her arms around my neck as mine find her waist to pull us closer together. "Don't tell anyone this, but you're my favorite bassist."

I pull back slightly to look at her face, "Over John Paul Jones?"

She purses her lips playfully, "On second thought..." She giggles trying to remove herself from my grasp only causing me to hold her tighter.

"Hang on! Hang on! You would pick John Paul Jones over me?" I pretend to be offended, pinching her side just to hear her laugh again.

"Oh come on Cal! So would you." She laughs louder at the sensation of my pinching at her side. She successfully squirms out of my grasp and stands dumfounded in front of me.

"Why are we fighting over this?" I shake my head.

"You're the one who brought it up." Paige raises her hands up in defense and is about to walk away.

I quickly grab her wrist and pull her to me once more, "Are you doing anything tonight?" I whisper in her ear so that our nosey friends won't hear.

"Just packing, why?" She looks up at me.

"Let's do something fun." I pull back slightly to look her in the eyes. "Just me and you. I feel like we need it." I shrug nonchalantly trying not to put too much emphasis on the fact that the past two days have been hard.

She nods her head and quietly responds, "Okay." But I can see a smile tugging at her lips. I let go of her so she can go congratulate the rest of the boys, but smirk as I watch her do so.

Paige is the definition of charming. She's polite, friendly, and overall a pleasant person to be around. She's been like a breath of fresh air since the moment she joined this group.

I stand back and watch her interact with each of them. It makes my heart hurt in the best way seeing how utterly adored she is by my brothers.

"What are the plans for tonight?" Michael asks the same question one of us asks after every show we perform.

Vanessa steps forward and locks arms with Luke, "I don't know about you guys, but this ones mine tonight." Luke smirks making it blatantly obvious what she meant by that.

"Its been a long day," Ashton cuts in. "To each their own."

God bless Ashton Irwin.

Paige smiles at me from across the group circle we've made and I smile back, both of us sharing the same thought.

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