Traitor Exposed

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Killua pov

Deku: "Wait, so Star dealt lasting damage to Shigaraki?" Deku asked All Might.

We were all in the common area of our dormitory in our hero costumes. But I still wore my turtleneck outfit, I still don't think I deserve to wear my hero costume. We've just been told by All Might, that the no.1 hero in the U.S named Star was killed by Shigaraki, but dealt him serious damage.

All Might: "Data from the American fighter jets tell us that when Shigaraki stole New Order, it ate away at him from the inside. Evidence suggests that new order destroyed a considerable amount of quirks held in his massive library." All Might informed us.
Jirou: "So that means..."
Momo: "Right now is the worlds best chance to take him out!"
Killua: "Wait, like kill him?" I asked out loud.
Bakugo: "Well, would you kill him?"
Killua: "To be honest, yeah I would."
Momo: "Well, maybe not kill him, but to take him down now that he's weak..."
Bakugo: "Aka kill him?"
Killua: "If you need someone to 'take him out' I'm here if you want." I said, half joking half serious.
All Might: "That's enough of that talk. Anyway, back to what I was saying."

All Might continued talking about AFO, and how an all-out war is inevitable. 'It's a good thing me and Gon didn't leave then.' And how the members of the League and Liberation Front are still out there, murder happy. Then about the escaped convicts who serve AFO.

Shoji: "It's safe to assume the list goes on."
All Might: "Yes. They will most likely amass more allies. It pains me to say this just after Stars untimely death, but if you hope to protect anything you hold dear at all, then I would ask you to fortify yourselves using this extension we've been given."
Bakugo: "Like I said, use Killua! Hell, I'll pay him myself!" He said, and I laughed.
Killua: "No way. I'd do it for free if it means for the sake of humanity." I said half joking, half serious again. Uraraka and Iida piped in saying,
Uraraka: "Umm, I think you mean we're already way ahead. You haven't noticed because you and Deku left the school, All Might."
Iida: "And when you do return, you leave without a moments notice."
Ojiro: "We've been doing intense training with the Pussycats."
Gon: "You call that intense training?" He looked at Ojiro.
Killua: "Wow you sound like me."

Deku mentioned how Bakugo and the others agreed to spar with him to help him complete OFA, then Bakugo yelled at him. We agreed to honour Stars last wishes.


We've been training our quirks. Correction, my class have been training their quirks, me and Gon have been training our nen. Since we don't have to hide our nen anymore, we trained alongside our class.

One time we were standing, practicing Ren and Deku asked what we were doing. To everyone else's point of view, we were just standing and doing nothing, so we explained how we train our abilities. They didn't understand the whole Ren, Ten, Zetsu and the others, but I think they got the gist of it.

While Deku and Bakugo sparred, Todoroki was working on a new move, and me and Gon trained our nen. Alluka watched for a while, but then went off on her own to explore more of the campus with Mirio. I told him about Nanika and what to do if she appears, so I trust she's in good hands.

After Deku and Bakugo came back from their spar, we started talking about Shigaraki and AFO, but Hagakure had found out something. Something she was never meant to discover.


Here we stood in a large room with whiteboards and tables pushed to one side of the room, with Aoyama and his parents in the middle. Our class stood in shock as it was revealed that Aoyama was the traitor all along.

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