Ch. 27 - Love You Deserve

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After Rogers returned from his wash, we all ate together. Nothing special had happened in the day after that, other than some small pranks the Avengers decided to play on each other to pass the boredom. They usually have two main moods when they return from missions. The first - usually the first to third day after - they all sit on their arses or simply stay in bed from tiredness, and the second - usually lasts the second part of the week they've returned in - they realise they're not used to not being in action and on edge everyday, so the boredom takes over. And what does this mean? Pranks.

I have been here long enough to study and analyse their patterns:

- Romanoff goes for Barton and Stark. 

- Barton usually goes back for Romanoff and Stark.

- Stark goes for mainly Barton, occasionally joining together with the doctor.

- Banner usually doesn't go for people himself and only helps out (most commonly Thor, Romanoff, and Stark).

- Rogers goes for Stark but other than that will usually stay composed throughout.

- Thor goes for no one specifically and in return, everyone goes for Thor. He is the easiest target after all.

Ever since Monet has joined, she has mainly only been with Bruce meaning he hadn't had many team-ups with anyone else and vice-versa. I felt sad for Monet. When I would hear the laughs coming from different areas of the tower, Monet would be either in her room alone, watching television alone, or cooking alone. The only constant pattern is her being alone for each of them.

We had already all eaten supper and most people were too energetic to fall asleep so they're off causing mayhem.

Look at them, taking my job.

For some reason, Monet stayed and cuddled in one of the corners of the sofa, reading a book.

I was in the kitchen sharpening my daggers (Thor had finally allowed me to do so since they keep me busy and I swore not to use them against anyone here) but close enough for her to still be in my line of sight and I could hear her speaking to herself. She enjoyed speaking to herself quite a lot. One specific thing I had noticed was her habit of using plural words such 'guys' and other terms alike, also commonly when she was in one-on-one conversations with people. And especially when she would be trying to reassure herself of something.

Currently, she was reading a book about World War II and at the end of each chapter would close her eyes and go over what had happened quietly out loud, speaking to herself. Her way of memorisation, I assumed. And I was simply leaning back against the counter looking in her direction.

"Psst," I hear. "Psst psst," I hear again, paired with someone clearing their throat. I turned to see the Birdman crouched on the floor with his back against in the kitchen counter and in an angle where only I could see him but no one else passing by could.

"Finally, you were staring into space for forever." Oh. I must've kept my eyes and attention on her for too long. "You mind helping me with something, bud?"

I raised my eyebrow and a look of confusion and suspicion spread across my face.

"I'm not asking for much, I just need you to distract Tony, preferably pissing him off, and getting him out of the lab but leaving Bruce in there."

"I am not interesting in participating in your childish games," I answered while turning away from him and back facing the kitchen counter to change the tool I am using for sharpening, but not turning back towards him.

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