👸🏻5. I'm not marrying you👸🏻

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I pace around the ballroom as I just think about today's event's. Right now it's like 10:24pm and I've been pacing back and forth in this room since I came home. I don't know why I'm not doing this in my room, but it's like I need to be in here. As I pace I hear the door open, but just like all the other people who came in here to check on me, I shut them out.

I can't believe that I seen my mom, or maybe it wasn't her. The woman did look surprised to see me, like a mother who thought her son or daughter was lost, or a mother who's child has just woke up from a coma. My mom died of a heart attack, I know that and I don't think she would've faked her death just to leave me all alone. I stop pacing and stare out a nearby window. My mom was my everything, she braided my hair and made me cookies in the middle of the night if there were a thunderstorm.

She made me realize that not everyone is evil, but they just need help understanding the things that they don't understand themselves. "Ava?" I hear my name but I'm to far gone in my head. "Ava?" I hear it again but, I just continue to think about that woman with the black hair. "Ava!?" Suddenly I feel a hand touch my shoulder and I jump a bit. "Sorry love, I didn't mean to scare you."

It was Klaus and he was holding some tissues. "Why would I need those?" I ask and he takes some out of the box and hand them to me.

"Because you're crying." I look in a nearby mirror and notice that tears and mascara are running down my cheeks.

"God, I look so stupid." I take the tissue and dry my eyes. I must have been really in my head, I can't believe that I'm crying over an imagination.

"You're not stupid, you were hopeful." He set the tissue box down and I continue to just stand there. I don't know why he's being so comforting. I don't understand why he keeps coming to my rescue when he knows that I hate him. "What was your mother like?"

I take a deep breath as I try to remember the last happy moment I had with my mother, and that was day of the heart attack. "The day she died we we're picking flowers for my dads birthday. His birthday was a week away but my mother thought that if we gave them to him early he wouldn't ask me for any other gifts m. It was just a joke thing we did every year." I playfully dance around the ballroom as Klaus watches me. "You know, I always use to think that her heart attack was my fault."

Klaus raises an eyebrow at me as he have a seat nearby. "How come?"

"I always thought that, if I didn't bother her so much..." I start to tear up as I stop dancing. "....then her heart would've been in a perfect condition." I would never have this conversation with anyone else, only Anna and Brooke. I start to break down and cry when suddenly I feel a hand on my shoulder.

When I look up I see Klaus looking down at me. "I'm not usually good with these type of things, but I'm sure your mother wouldn't want you to beat your self up over it."

As I look into his eyes I see a side of him that's different. Any other time he would be sarcastic or talking about death, but as of now...he's perfect. "Enough about me, you wanted to talk about the Tyler thing. I also have a few questions."

"Go ahead, love. Ask away."

"First question, how the hell did you get to me so fast? You were literally down the road when that car came."

"Nonsense love, I was standing right next to you." He smirks at me and I roll my eyes.

"This is not twilight." He raise his eyebrow and I gasp. "You don't know what twilight is?" He shakes his head and I squeal. "Okay, rule one. If you want me to like you, you have got to watch twilight with me."

"You see, I don't really care if you like me or not. I will not do anything to please you, I will simply be your husband. That way, I get my army and you get well, nothing." He place his hands behind his back as he walks over to our bar. I knew that's all he cared about, because he doesn't care about anyone but his self.

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